Categorías: Revistas

The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals – Volume 18 (2019): Issue 1 (May 2019)

ISSN: 1571-8034

The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals is firmly established as the leading journal in its field. Each issue will give you the latest developments with respect to the preparation, adoption, suspension, amendment and revision of Rules of Procedure as well as statutory and internal rules and other related matters. The Journal will also provide you with the latest practice with respect to the interpretation and application of rules of procedure and constitutional documents, which can be found in judgments, advisory opinions, written and oral pleadings as well as legal literature.


CJEU Judgment in Case C-284/16 Achmea: Single Decision and Its Multi-Faceted Fallout
By: Bartosz Soloch

Gouverner C’est Prévoir – Trappings of Value Distribution: a Prolegomenon to the African Union’s Hissène Habré Trust Fund for Victims
By: Steven William Kayuni and Mtendere Mute Gondwe

Ethical Dimensions of Arbitrator Resignations: General Duties, Specific Quandaries, and Sanctions for Suspect Withdrawals
By: Judith Levine

Procedural Economy at the International Court of Justice
By: Arman Sarvarian

Procedural Developments at the International Court of Justice
By: Fernando Lusa Bordin


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