Categorías: Revistas

Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations – Volume 25 (2019): Issue 3 (Sep 2019)

Print ISSN: 1075-2846

Global Governance showcases the expertise of leading scholars and practitioners concerned with the processes of international cooperation and multilateralism. The result is a provocative exploration of the most pressing transnational challenges of our time—issues of peace and security, development, human rights, the environment, and health among them—presenting groundbreaking research, opinion pieces, and book reviews.
The editors and distinguished editorial board are committed to producing a rigorously refereed journal reflecting a wide range of disciplinary and global perspectives.


The Global Forum

The Geneva Conventions at Seventy
Now and in the Future—A Call for Action
By: Peter Maurer

The 1949 Geneva Conventions after Seventy Years
The Fate of Charity in Turbulent Times
By: David P. Forsythe

Global Governance “As It Was, Is and Ought to Be”
A Critical Reflection
By: Stephen Gill

The Politics of Regulatory Design in the Sovereign Debt Restructuring Regime
By: Skylar Brooks

The International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG)
A Self-Directed Organization
By: Laura Zamudio González

Policy Integration for Sustainable Development through Multilateral Environmental Agreements
An Empirical Analysis, 2007–2016
By: Dona Azizi, Frank Biermann and Rakhyun E. Kim

The Climate Change Regime Complex
Path Dependence amidst Institutional Change
By: Gorana Draguljić

Esta entrada fue modificada por última vez en 11/10/2019 17:25


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