lunes, marzo 3, 2025
Finnish Yearbook of International Law, Volume 25, 2015

Finnish Yearbook of International Law, Volume 25, 2015


Finnish Yearbook of International Law, Volume 25, 2015

Editor(s): Tuomas Tiittala

ISBN: 9781509927159
Publicado: 03-10-2019
Páginas: 312

The Finnish Yearbook of International Law aspires to honour and strengthen the Finnish tradition in international legal scholarship. Open to contributions from all over the world and from all persuasions, the Finnish Yearbook stands out as a forum for theoretically informed, high-quality publications on all aspects of public international law, including the international relations law of the European Union.

The Finnish Yearbook publishes in-depth articles and shorter notes, commentaries on current developments, book reviews and relevant overviews of Finland’s state practice. While firmly grounded in traditional legal scholarship, it is open for new approaches to international law and for work of an interdisciplinary nature.

The Finnish Yearbook is published for the Finnish Society of International Law by Hart Publishing. Earlier volumes may be obtained from Martinus Nijhoff, an imprint of Brill Publishers.


General Section
Athanasios Yupsanis
Autonomy for Minorities: Definitions, Types and Status in International Law
Special Section One: Law, War and New Technology
Sia Spiliopoulou Akermark
Old Rules and New Technology: Drones and the Demilitarisation and Neutralisation of the Aland Islands
Isabella Brunner, Marija Dobric and Verena Pirker
Proving a State’s Involvement in a Cyber-Attack: Evidentiary Standards before the ICJ
Natalia Jevglevskaja
Legal Review of New Weapons: Origins of Article 36 of AP I
Kenneth Kraszewski
Classification of Cyber Operations under International Law

Special Section Two: The Ideal of the International – Principles, Backlash and Resistance
Nikolay Marin and Bilyana Manova
The Rise of Nationalism and Populism in Liberal Democracies as a Challenge for Public International Law

Book Reviews
Edited by Tuomas Tiittala
Jaanika Erne
Martti Koskenniemi, Walter Rech and Manuel Jiménez Fonseca (eds), International Law and Empire. Historical Explorations
Yihong Zhang
Wenhua Shan and Jinyuan Su (eds), China and International Investment Law: Twenty Years of ICSID Membership
David M Scott
Wayne Sandholtz and Christopher A Whytock (eds), Research Handbook on the Politics of nternational Law
Tuomas Tiittala
William A Schabas and Shannonbrooke Murphy (eds), Research Handbook on International Courts and Tribunals

New Finnish Doctoral Dissertations in International Law
Paolo Amorosa
The American Project and the Politics of History: James Brown Scott and the Origins of International Law
Karen Knop
The American Project and the Politics of History: James Brown Scott and the Origins of International Law by Paolo Amorosa, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Helsinki, 2018
Maija Dahlberg
Developing the Reasoning of the European Court of Human Rights Would Improve its Judicial Legitimacy
Julia Jansson
The Death of the Freedom Fighter – How the Threat of Terrorism is Suffocating the Protection of Political Criminals
Saskia Hufnagel and Christopher L Blakesley
The Death of the Freedom Fighter – How the Threat of Terrorism is Suffocating the Protection of Political Criminals by Julia Jansson, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Helsinki, 2018
Jens Kremer
The End of Freedom in Public Places? Privacy Problems Arising from Surveillance of the European Public Space
Iain Cameron
The End of Freedom in Public Spaces? Privacy Problems Arising from Surveillance of the European Public Space by Jens Kremer, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Helsinki, 2017
Taina Tuori
From League of Nations Mandates to Decolonization: A History of the Language of Rights in International Law
Jochen von Bernstorff
From League of Nations Mandates to Decolonization. A History of Rights by Taina Tuori, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Helsinki, 2016


Tuomas Tiittala

Tuomas Tiittala, LL.M. is a Doctoral Candidate and Research Fellow at the Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights, University of Helsinki.

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