African Yearbook of International Law Online / Annuaire Africain de droit international Online
Volume 22 (2017): Issue 1 (Jul 2017)
ISSN: 2211-6176
Founded in 1993, the African Yearbook, now also published online is published under the auspices of the African Foundation for International Law. It is the only scholarly publication devoted exclusively to the study, development, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law in Africa as a whole.
Through the scholarly analysis of international legal issues of particular relevance to the African continent, it also contributes to the acceptance of, and respect for the rule of law in intra-African relations, and for the principles of international law in general. Its uniqueness however goes beyond this, for through its special themes and general articles, it has succeeded over the years to serve as an intellectual forum where the development of international law is viewed as being integral to Africa’s own development.
Through the study and analysis of emerging legal issues of particular relevance to Africa, such as the creation of viable continental institutions capable of promoting unity and security for the peoples of the continent, the effective protection of human rights, the need for accountability for mass killings and massive violations of the rule of law, the promotion of a rule-based democratic culture, the role of African countries in a globalizing world economy and in international trade relations, the Yearbook strives to be responsive to the intellectual needs of African countries in the area of international law, and to the continuing struggle for creating an environment conducive to the rule of law throughout the continent.
The Yearbook also provides ready access to the basic documents of African international organizations by regularly publishing the resolutions and decisions of regional and sub-regional organizations as well as the conventions, protocols and declarations adopted by pan-african agencies.
Canadian–Nigerian International Human Rights Engagements (1999–2011): An Introduction
By: Obiora Chinedu Okafor
Nigeria’s Contributions to International Human Rights Praxis
By: Udoka Ndidiamaka Owie
By: Uchechukwu Ngwaba
Children’s Rights
By: Uchechukwu Ngwaba and Ibe Okegbe Ifeakandu
Canadian-Nigerian Engagements in the Area of International Criminal Justice: An Overview
By: Izevbuwa Kehinde Ikhimiukor
Baxian TREMF Anxieties and Patterns of Norm Entrepreneurship in Canadian–Nigerian Human Rights Engagements: A Theoretical Overview
By: Obiora Chinedu Okafor
The Nature, Attainments, Problems and Prospects of Canadian–Nigerian International Human Rights Engagements: An Analytical Overview and Some Recommendations
By: Obiora Chinedu Okafor
The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and Africa
By: James L. Kateka
L’affermissement des principes juridiques applicables à l’exploitation des gisements pétroliers ou gaziers transfrontaliers en mer
By: Maurice K. Kamga
Progressive Humanization of International Legal Order: a Kantian Perspective
By: Awalou Ouédraogo
Palestine and the International Criminal Court: Back to a Judicial Saga
By: Catherine Maia
Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Older Persons in Africa
By: Editors African Yearbook of International Law Online / Annuaire Africain de droit international Online
Protocole à la Charte africaine des droits de l’homme et des peuples, relatif aux droits des personnes âgees
By: Editors African Yearbook of International Law Online / Annuaire Africain de droit international Online
Index of Persons
By: Editors African Yearbook of International Law Online / Annuaire Africain de droit international Online
Index of locations
By: Editors African Yearbook of International Law Online / Annuaire Africain de droit international Online
Analytical Index
By: Editors African Yearbook of International Law Online / Annuaire Africain de droit international Online
Preliminary Material
By: Editors African Yearbook of International Law Online / Annuaire Africain de droit international Online