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EU Law Beyond EU Borders

EU Law Beyond EU Borders

The Extraterritorial Reach of EU Law

Edited by Marise Cremona and Joanne Scott

ISBN: 9780198842170 (Hardcover)
Publicado: 26 June 2019
Páginas: 272

This book addresses the impact of EU law beyond its own borders, the use of law as a powerful instrument of EU external action, and some of the normative challenges this poses. The phenomenon of EU law operating beyond its borders, which may be termed its ‘global reach’, includes the extraterritorial application of EU law, territorial extension, and the so-called ‘Brussels Effect’ resulting from unilateral legislative and regulatory action, but also includes the impact of the EU’s bilateral relationships, and its engagement with multilateral fora and the negotiation of international legal instruments.

The book maps this phenomenon across a range of policy fields, including the environment, the internet and data protection, banking and financial markets, competition policy, and migration. It argues that in looking beyond the undoubtedly important instrumental function of law we can start to identify the ways in which law shapes the EU’s external identity and its relations with other legal regimes, both enabling and constraining the EU’s external action.


Introduction: EU Law Beyond EU Borders, Marise Cremona and Joanne Scott
1. The Global Reach of EU Law, Joanne Scott
2. Extending the Reach of EU Law: The EU as an International Legal Actor, Marise Cremona
3. The Internet and the Global Reach of EU Law, Christopher Kuner
4. Financial Stability and the Global Influence of EU Law, Paul Davies
5. The Global Reach of EU Competition Law, Giorgio Monti
6. The Migration Crisis and the European Union Border R egime, Bernard Ryan


Marise Cremona, European University Institute,Joanne Scott, European University Institute

Marise Cremona is Professor Emeritus at the European University Institute, Florence. She was Professor of European Law, and a co-Director of the Academy of European Law at the European University Institute 2006-2017. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Common Market Law Review. Her research interests are in the external relations law of the European Union, in particular the constitutional basis for EU external relations law and the legal and institutional dimensions of EU foreign policy.

Joanne Scott is Professor of European Law at the European University Institute and Co-Director of the Academy of European Law at the European University Institute. She is currently on leave from University College London, Faculty of Laws, where she taught from 2005 to 2017. Her research interests lie in the areas of environmental law and climate change law, EU extraterritoriality, new modes of EU governance and the relationships between different legal orders. Professor Scott was elected as a Fellow of the British Academy in 2013 and as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2012.


Marise Cremona
Joanne Scott
Christopher Kuner
Paul Davies
Giorgio Monti
Bernard Ryan


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