domingo, febrero 23, 2025

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


Author: Edited by Ilias Bantekas, Michael Ashley Stein, and Dimitris Anastasiou
ISBN: 9780198810667
Binding: Hardcover
Publication Date: 25 December 2018
Price: $350.00


This treatise is a detailed article-by-article examination of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Each article of the CRPD contains a methodical analysis of the preparatory works, followed by an exhaustive examination of the contents of each article based on case law and concluding observations from the CRPD Committee, judgments from national and international courts and tribunals, pertinent UN and other reports, and literature on the topic in question.

Although primarily addressed to lawyers, the volume features commentary from a broad range of scholars across a variety of disciplines in order to provide a comprehensive study of the legal, psychological, education, sociological, and other aspects of the CPRD. This encyclopaedic commentary on the CRPD effectively covers all the issues arising from international disability law and practice.

Table of Contents

1. General Introduction: Disability Models, Philosophy and Politics, Dimitris Anastasiou and Ilias Bantekas
2. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and International Human Rights Law, Francesco Seatzu
3. Preamble, Janet Lord
4. Article 1, Emily Kakoullis and Yoshikazu Ikehara
5. Article 2, Anna Nilsson
6. Article 3 General principles, Sarah Arduin
7. Article 4, Andrea Broderick
8. Article 5 Equality and non-discrimination, Jessica Corsi
9. Article 6, Roxanne Mykitiuk and Ena Chadha
10. Article 7, Ilias Bantekas
11. Article 8, Francisco Bariffi
12. Article 9, Anna Lawson
13. Article 10, Smitha Nizar
14. Article 11, Stephanie Motz
15. Article 12, Lucy Series
16. Article 12(5), Anna Nilsson
17. Article 13, Eilionor Flynn
18. Article 14, Michael Perlin and Eva Szeli
19. Article 15, Phil Fennell
20. Article 16, Amanda Keeling
21. Article 17, Francesco Seatzu
22. Article 18, Lawrence Mute
23. Article 19, Janos Fiala-Butora, Arie Rimmerman and Ayelet Gur
24. Article 20, Aart Hendriks and Lalin Kovudhikulrungsri
25. Article 21, Eliza Varney
26. Article 22, Molly Land , Anthony Giannoumis, Aga Kitkowska, and Maria Mikhaylova
27. Article 23, Janos Fiala-Butora
28. Article 24, Dimitris Anastasiou, Michael Gregory and James M Kauffman)
29. Article 25, Penelope Weller
30. Article 26, Jerome Bickenbach and Dimitrios Skempes
31. Article 27, Ilias Bantekas, Facundo Pennilas and Stefan Tromel
32. Article 28, Kevin Cremin
33. Article 29, Ilze Grobelaar Du Plessis, Innocentia Mgijima and Jehoshaphat Njau
34. Article 30, Ilias Bantekas, Chow Pok Yin Stephenson, Stavroula Karapapa and Eleni Polymenopoulou
35. Article 31, Mads Pedersen and Federico Ferretti
36. Article 32, Janet Lord and Michael Ashley Stein
37. Article 33, Valentin Aichele
38. Article 34, Katherine Guernsey
39. Article 35, Arlene Kanter
40. Article 36, Helene Combrinck
41. Article 37, Kris Gledhill
42. Article 38, Ilias Bantekas
43. Article 39, Mary Pat Treuthart
44. Article 40, Ilias Bantekas
45. Article 41, Ilias Bantekas
46. Article 42, Ilias Bantekas
47. Article 43, Ilias Bantekas
48. Article 44, Jacob Katz Cogan
49. Article 45, Ilias Bantekas
50. Article 46, Ilias Bantekas
51. Article 47, Konstantinos Magliveras
52. Article 48, Ilias Bantekas
53. Article 49, Eliza Varney
54. Article 50, Ilias Bantekas
55. Optional Protocol to the CRPD, Tina Stavrinaki

Author Information

Ilias Bantekas, Professor of Law, Brunel and Northwestern (HBKU) Universities, Michael Ashley Stein, Executive Director, Harvard Law School Project on Disability, Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School, and Extraordiary Professor University of Pretoria Faculty of Law Centre for Human Rights, and Dimitris Anastasiou, Associate Professor, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Ilias Bantekas FCI Arb is Professor of International Law at Brunel and Northwestern (HBKU) Universities and a senior fellow at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) of the University of London. He acts as consultant to various inter-governmental organizations, such as UNDP, UN special procedures, the Council of Europe, and the EU. He also advises state entities, law firms, and NGOs in most fields of international law, human rights, international development law, and arbitration and is regularly appointed as arbitrator in international disputes. Key books include International Human Rights Law and Practice (2nd ed, CUP 2016), International Law Concentrate (OUP, 3rd ed, 2017), Sovereign Debt and Human Rights (OUP 2018), and The International Criminal Court and Africa (OUP 2017).

Michael Ashley Stein holds a J.D. from Harvard Law School and a Ph.D. from Cambridge University. Co-founder and Executive Director of the Harvard Law School Project on Disability and a Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School for over a decade, Stein holds an Extraordinary Professorship at the University of Pretoria’s Centre for Human Rights, and a visiting professorship at the Free University of Amsterdam. Stein previously was Professor (and Cabell Professor) at William & Mary Law School, and also taught at New York University and Stanford law schools. An internationally recognized expert on disability law and policy, Stein participated in the drafting of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, works with disabled peoples’ organizations around the world, actively consults with governments on their disability laws and policies, advises a number of UN bodies and national human rights institutions, and has brought landmark litigation.

Dimitris Anastasiou is Associate Professor of Special Education at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He holds B.S. degrees in psychology, sociology, and elementary education, an M.Sc. in special education and school psychology, and a Ph.D. in both special education and school psychology. His publications and scholarly interests include philosophical approaches to disability, disability rights, educational and disability policy, comparative special education, co-teaching, cultural issues with implications for educational policy, and educational interventions in reading and writing. Anastasiou has served as co-editor of the iJournal of International Special Needs Education (JISNE), and as a reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals. He is currently associate editor of the JISNE.


Dimitris Anastasiou, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA

Sarah Arduin, School of Law, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Ilias Bantekas, Brunel University, UK and Northwestern (HBKU) University, Pritzker School of Law

Francisco J Bariffi, Human Rights Centre, National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina

Jerome Bickenbach, Swiss Paraplegic Research, Switzerland

Andrea Broderick, Faculty of Law, Maastricht University, Netherlands

Ena Chadha, Schulich, School of Business, York University, Canada

Pok Yin Stephenson Chow, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Jacob Katz Cogan, College of Law University of Cincinnati, USA

Helene Combrinck, Faculty of Law, North- West University, South Africa

Jessica Lynn Corsi, Brunel University London, UK

Kevin Cremin, Disability and Aging Rights at Mobilization for Justice and Columbia Law School, USA

Federico Ferretti, Brunel University London, UK

János Fiala- Butora, Legal Studies Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Harvard Law School Project on Disability, USA

Eilionóir Flynn, Centre for Disability Law and Policy, National University of Ireland Galway

Anthony G Giannoumis, Department of Computer Science at Oslo and Akershus University College, Norway and Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University, USA

Kris Gledhill, AUT Law School, New Zealand

Michael Gregory, Harvard Law School and Harvard Graduate School of Education, USA

Katherine Guernsey, former Senior Policy Advisor to the Special Advisor for International Disability Rights at the State Department, USA

Ayelet Gur, School of Social Work at Bar-Ilan University, Israel

Aart Hendriks, Leiden Law School, Netherlands

Yoshikazu Ikehara, Tokyo Advocacy Law Office, Japan

Emily Julia Kakoullis, School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University, UK

Arlene S Kanter, Syracuse University, USA

Stavroula Karapapa, School of Law, University of Reading, UK

James M Kauffman, University of Virginia, USA

Amanda Keeling, School of Law, University of Leeds, UK

Agnieszka Kitkowska, Karlstad University, Sweden

Lalin Kovudhikulrungsri, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, Thailand

Molly K Land, University of Connecticut School of Law and Human Rights Institute, USA

Anna Lawson, University of Leeds, UK

Janet Lord, Harvard Law School Project on Disability, USA

Konstantinos D Magliveras, University of the Aegean, Greece

Maria Mikhaylova, Faculty of Technology, Art and Design at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway

Stephanie Motz, University of Lucerne, Switzerland

Lawrence M Mute, School of Law of the University of Nairobi, Kenya

Roxanne Mykitiuk, Osgoode Hall Law School York University, Canada

Anna Nilsson, Lund University, Faculty of Law, Sweden

Smitha Nizar, Alliance School of Law, Bangalore, India

Jehoshaphat Njau, University of Pretoria Disability Rights Project, South Africa

Mads Pedersen, Supreme Court of Denmark

Facundo Chávez Penillas, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland

Michael L Perlin, New York Law School, USA

Eleni Polymenopoulou, Brunel University, UK

Arie Rimmerman, University of Haifa, Israel

Francesco Seatzu, University of Cagliari, Italy

Lucy Series, School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University, UK

Dimitrios Skempes, Swiss Paraplegic Research, Switzerland

Tina Stavrinaki, Racist Violence Recording Network, Greece

Michael Ashley Stein, Harvard Law School, Director of the Harvard Program on Disability, USA

Éva Szeli, Arizona State University, USA

Mary Pat Treuthart, Gonzaga University, USA

Stefan Trömel, International Labour Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

Eliza Varney, Keele University, UK

Penelope Weller, Graduate School of Business and Law at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

[via International Law]

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