sábado, marzo 29, 2025

Treaty of Mutual Relations Between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, Signed at Prague, December 11, 1973

The Federal Republic of Germany and

the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic,

In the historic awareness that the harmonious coexistence of the nations in Europe is a necessity for peace,

Determined to put an end once and for all to the disastrous past in their relations, especially in connexion with the Second World War which has inflicted immeasurable suffering on the peoples of Europe,

Recognizing that the Munich Agreement of 29 September 1938 was imposed on the Czechoslovak Republic by the National Socialist regime under the threat of force,

Considering the fact that a new generation has grown up in both countries which has a right to a secure and peaceful future,

Intending to create lasting foundations for the development of good-neighbourly relations,

Anxious to strengthen peace and security in Europe,

Convinced that peaceful co-operation on the basis of the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter complies with the wishes of nations and the interests of peace in the world,

Have agreed as follows:

Article I

The Federal Republic of Germany and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, under the present Treaty, deem the Munich Agreement of 29 September 1938 void with regard to their mutual relations.

Article II

(1)   The present Treaty shall not affect the legal effects on natural or legal persons of the law as applied in the period between 30 September 1938 and 9 May 1945.

This provision shall exclude the effects of measures which both Contracting Parties deem to be void owing to their incompatibility with the fundamental principles of justice.

(2)   The present Treaty shall not affect the nationality of living or deceased persons ensuing from the legal system of either of the two Contracting Parties.

(3)   The present Treaty, together with its declarations on the Munich Agreement, shall not constitute any legal basis for material claims by the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and its natural and legal persons.

Article III

(1)   The Federal Republic of Germany and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic shall in their mutual relations as well as in matters of ensuring European and international security be guided by the purposes and principles embodied in the United Nations Charter.

(2)   Accordingly they shall, pursuant to Articles 1 and 2 of the United Nations Charter, settle all their disputes exclusively by peaceful means and shall refrain from any threat or use of force in matters affecting European and international security, and in their mutual relations.

Article IV

(1)   In conformity with the said purposes and principles, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic reaffirm the inviolability of their common frontier now and in the future and undertake to respect each other’s territorial integrity without restriction.

(2)   They declare that they have no territorial claims whatsoever against each other and that they will not assert any such claims in the future.

Article V

(1)   The Federal Republic of Germany and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic will undertake further steps for the comprehensive development of their mutual relations.

(2)   They agree that an extension of their neighbourly co-operation in the economic and scientific fields, in their scientific and technological relations, and in the fields of culture, environmental protection, sport, transport and in other sectors of their relations, is in their mutual interest.

Article VI

The present Treaty shall be subject to ratification and enter into force on the date of the exchange of instruments of ratification which shall take place in Bonn.

In witness whereof the Plenipotentiaries of the Contracting Parties have signed this Treaty.

Done in Prague on 11 December 1973 in duplicate in the German and Czech languages, both texts being equally authentic.

For the Federal Republic of Germany

Willy Brandt Walter Scheel

For the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic

Strougal B. Chnoupek

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