Categorías: Libros

Public Law

Public Law

Author: Mark Elliott and Robert Thomas
ISBN: 9780198765899
Binding: Paperback
Publication Date: 01 August 2017
Price: $50.00
  • The fresh, direct and clear writing style enables students to really understand the fundamentals of the subject while also encouraging them to engage with difficult issues and debates
  • The book guides students through three key themes in order to demonstrate how the many strands of public law are interlinked
  • Practical examples are used throughout to show students how this subject is of essential importance to everyday life in the UK
  • Questions are posed throughout each chapter to encourage students get to grips with the contentious nature of the subject
  • The authors use figures throughout the book to clearly explain complex concepts


Esta entrada fue modificada por última vez en 03/08/2017 18:57


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