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Recueil des cours, Collected Courses, Tome 384

Recueil des cours, Collected Courses, Tome 384

Idealism, Pragmatism, Eclecticism, General Course on Private International Law by Symeon C. Symeonides.

Biographical note

Co-publication with: The Hague Academy of International Law.

Symeon C. Symeonides, born 1949 in Lythrodontas, Cyprus.
Law degrees: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki: LL.B. in Private Law, summa cum laude (1972), LL.B. in Public Law, summa cum laude (1973); Harvard Law
School: LL.M. (1974), S.J.D. (1980). Honorary degrees. LL.D. Aristotle University (2012) ; Ph.D. University of Cyprus (2014); LL.D. Willamette University (2016).
Academic positions: Willamette University: Dean Emeritus, Alex L. Parks Distinguished Chair in Law (since 2011), Dean, Professor of Law (1999-2011); Louisiana State University: Judge Albert Tate Professor of Law (1989-1999), Vice Chancellor (1991-1997), Professor (1978-1989); University of Thessaloniki: Assistant Professor (1976-1978); Visiting Professor: NYU (2016), Paris-I (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008), Paris-V (2002, 2003, 2004), Louvain-la-Neuve (1997), Tulane (1985), Loyola (1982).
Honours: Life Time Achievement Award, American Society of Comparative Law (2015); Certificate of Merit, American Society of International Law (2015); Courtland H. Peterson Senior Scholar Prize (2013); Robert L. Misner Award for Excellence in Faculty Scholarship (2016, 2012); Honoured by Academia Mexicana de Derecho Privado y Comparado (2011) and Asociación Americana de Derecho Internacional Privado (2010); Recipient of Key to the City, Lythrodontas (2009); Friedrich K. Juenger Prize in Private International Law (2002); “A Tribute to Symeon C. Symeonides”, 60 La. L. Rev. 1035-1399 (2000); Resolution of Appreciation, Association of American Law Schools Section on Conflict of Laws (1999); Order of the Coif; highest graduation grade (10 out of 10) in University of Thessaloniki Law School history; Phi Beta Kappa.
Law reform work: American Law Institute: Adviser, Restatement (Third) of Conflict of Laws (since 2015) ; Hague Conference on Private International Law: Member, Working Group and Editorial Committee on the Hague Principles on Choice of Law for International Contracts, Member, Working Group on Convention on Jurisdiction and Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments (since 2012) ; Oregon Law Commission: Commissioner, Reporter and Chair, Choice of Law Codification (1999-2013); EU Council: Chair of five Working Groups on civil and private international law (July-December 2012); Joint Permanent Commission for the Revision of the Puerto Rican Civil Code : Consultant (2002-2006); Louisiana State Law Institute: Reporter and Chair, Codification of Conflicts Law, Reporter and Chair, Revision of the Law of Leases (1984-2005); Puerto Rican Academy of Legislation and Jurisprudence : Rapporteur, Codification of Private International Law (1987-1991).
Other activities: International Association of Legal Science: President (since 2013), Vice President (2006-2013); American Society of Comparative Law: Honorary President (2010-2012), President (2006-2010), Vice President (2002-2006), Secretary (1994-2002); Association of American Law Schools, Section on Conflicts of Laws: Chair (2014 and 1999); American Law Institute: Member (since 1988); Groupe européen de droit international privé (GEDIP): Member (since 2006); International Academy of Comparative Law: Member (since 1994); Institut de droit international: Associate Member (since 2013); Asociación Americana de Derecho Internacional Privado: Honorary Member (since 2010); Private International Law Series, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc.: General Editor (since 2012); American Journal of Comparative Law: Member, Executive Editorial Board (since 2007); Yearbook of Private International Law, Electronic Journal of Comparative Law: Editorial Board Member; Quadrennial International Congress of Comparative Law: General Reporter (2010, 1998), US National Reporter (2006, 1994).

Table of contents

Excerpt from Table of Contents
Chapter I. Historical foundations
Section 1. Introduction
Section 2. From ancient Greece to medieval Italy
Section 3. Early footings: Bartolus, statutists, and unilateralism
Section 4. Huber’s comity
Section 5. The nineteenth century: the classical PIL edifice
A. Story
B. Wächter
C. Savigny and multilateralism
D. Other nineteenth-century scholars
Section 6. The twentieth century
A. The two halves
B. Beale and the traditional American choice-of-law system
1. Territoriality
2. Vested rights
3. The first conflicts Restatement
Section 7. Summary: the classical PIL system
Chapter II. Substantivist carve-outs
Section 1. The original substantivist method
Section 2. Contemporary substantivist carve-outs
A. Legislative substantivism
1. Internationally
2. Regionally
3. Nationally
B. Non-state, anational substantivism
C. Substantivism in arbitration
D. Substantivism in adjudication
Section 3. Summary
Chapter III. The “international” in private international law
Section 1. What’s in a name?
A. Conflict of laws
B. Private international law
Section 2. Internationality
Section 3. International uniformity
Section 4. Interstate uniformity
Section 5. Conclusions
Chapter IV. The “private” in private international law
Section 1. Introduction: private or public law?
Section 2. Brainerd Currie and state interests
A. Introduction
B. Do states have an interest in multistate disputes between private parties?
C. Are state interests ascertainable?
D. Re-conceptualizing state interests
E. Can an interest-based approach rationally resolve conflicts?
F. Summary
Section 3. Not “only in America”: recognition of state interests elsewhere
A. Not for export
B. Unilateralist tools
C. Multilateral but non-neutral rules
D. Constitutionalization of PIL
Section 4. Conclusions
Chapter V. Unilateralist encroachments
Section 1. Introduction
A. Misplaced labels
B. History
C. The differences
Section 2. The resilience of unilateralism
Section 3. Unilateralism in academic doctrine
A. In Europe
B. In the United States
Section 4. Not “only in America”: the ubiquity of unilateralism
A. Unilateral choice-of-law rules in PIL codifications
B. Mandatory rules or rules of immediate application
C. Unilateralism in substantive statutes.
Section 5. Symbiosis
A. Unilateralism is alive and kicking
B. Methodological implications: from antagonism to symbiosis
C. Unilateralism and parochialism
D. The unilaterality of multilateralism
E. Comparison
F. Combining multilateralism with accommodative unilateralism
Chapter VI. The material tempering of conflicts justice
Section 1. The question
Section 2. The orthodox answer: “conflicts justice”
Section 3. The heretical answer: “material justice”
A. The thesis
B. The American version
C. European perspectives
Section 4. Covert result selectivism in the courts
Section 5. Overt result selectivism in legislation
A. Introduction
B. Result-selective choice-of-law rules in general
C. Rules favouring the validity of certain juridical acts (favor validitatis).
D. Rules favouring a certain status
E. Rules favouring one party: choice of law by, or for the benefit of, one party
Section 6. Conclusions
A. Summary
B. Not “only in America”
C. Result selectivism in legislation and adjudication
D. Exceptional?
Chapter VII. The softening of concepts and rules
Section 1. Introduction
Section 2. The virtual abandonment of connecting factors in the United States
Section 3. Not “only in America”: the softening of connecting factors in recent codifications
A. The closer or closest connection
B. Other soft connecting factors
Section 4. Escape clauses
A. General escapes
B. Specific escapes
C. Assessment of escapes
Section 5. The movement toward flexibility
A. The perennial tension
B. The American overreaction
C. A cautious evolution
D. Codification and flexibility
Section 6. Conclusions
Chapter VIII. The narrowing of legal categories
Section 1. The classical PIL model: “legal relations”
Section 2. American developments
A. From broad categories to issues
B. Issue-by-issue analysis
C. Dépeçage
Section 3. Not “only in America” : dépeçage in codified PIL systems
Section 4. Dépeçage in the Rome Convention and the Rome Regulations
A. Rome Convention and Rome I Regulation
B. Rome II
Section 5. Dépeçage in other modern codifications
A. Statutory and voluntary dépeçage
B. Judicial dépeçage
Section 6. Conclusions
Chapter IX. From idealism to pragmatism and eclecticism
Section 1. The classical PIL
Section 2. Contemporary PIL
A. Nature
B. Goals
C. Means
Section 3. Not “only in America”
Section 4. Evolution, pragmatism, and eclecticism
Section 5. Conclusion
[via New]

Esta entrada fue modificada por última vez en 23/06/2017 13:13


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