martes, julio 2, 2024

The Hidden History of International Law in the Americas

The Hidden History of International Law in the Americas

Author: Dr. Juan Pablo Scarfi
ISBN: 9780190622343
Binding: Hardcover
Publication Date: 01 November 2016
Price: $85.00

The History and Theory of International Law

  • Explores the intellectual history of American international law in the Western Hemisphere
  • Studies the rise and evolution of the American Institute of International Law (AIIL)
  • Focuses on recent scholarship on the history of international law in the U.S. and Latin America
  • Argues that American international law was driven by a U.S.-led imperial aspiration of civilizing Latin America through the promotion of the international rule of law

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Revista Electrónica Cordobesa de Derecho Internacional Público – Núm. 1 (2023)

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