martes, marzo 25, 2025

State Treaty (with annexes and maps) for the re-establish­ment of an independent and democratic Austria. Signed at Vienna, on 15 May 1955


State Treaty (with annexes and maps) for the re-establish­ment of an independent and democratic Austria. Signed at Vienna, on 15 May 1955

Official texts: Russian, English, French and German.

Registered by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on 27 September 1955.



The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, and France, herein­after referred to as “the Allied and Associated Powers,” of the one part and Austria, of the other part;

Whereas on 13th March, 1938, Hitlerite Germany annexed Austria by force and incorporated its territory in the German Reich;

Whereas in the Moscow Declaration published on 1st November, 1943, the Governments of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom and the United States of America declared that they regarded the annexation of Austria by Germany on 13th March, 1938, as null and void and affirmed their wish to see Austria re-established as a free and independent State, and the French Committee of National Liberation made a similar declaration on 16th November, 1943;

Whereas as a result of the Allied victory Austria was liberated from the domination of Hitlerite Germany;

Whereas the Allied and Associated Powers, and Austria, taking into account the importance of the efforts which the Austrian people themselves have made and will have to continue to make for the restoration and democratic reconstruc­tion of their country, desire to conclude a treaty re-establishing Austria as a free, independent and democratic State, thus contributing to the restoration of peace in Europe;

Whereas the Allied and Associated Powers desire by means of the present Treaty to settle in accordance with the principles of justice all questions which are still outstanding in connection with the events referred to above, including the annexation of Austria by Hitlerite Germany and participation of Austria in the war as an integral part of Germany; and

Whereas the Allied and Associated Powers and Austria are desirous for these purposes of concluding the present Treaty to serve as the basis of friendly relations between them, thereby enabling the Allied and Associated Powers to support Austria’s application for admission to the United Nations Organization;

Have therefore appointed the undersigned Plenipotentiaries who, after presentation of their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed on the following provisions:



Article 1

Re-Establishment of austria as a Free and Independent State

The Allied and Associated Powers recognize that Austria is re-established as a sovereign, independent and democratic State.

Article 2

Maintenance of Austria’s Independence

The Allied and Associated Powers declare that they will respect the in­dependence and territorial integrity of Austria as established under the present Treaty.

Article 3

Recognition by Germany of Austrian Independence

The Allied and Associated Powers will incorporate in the German Peace Treaty provisions for securing from Germany the recognition of Austria’s sovereignty and independence and the renunciation by Germany of all terri­torial and political claims in respect of Austria and Austrian territory.

Article 4 Prohibition of Anschluss

1. The Allied and Associated Powers declare that politic?l or economic union between Austria and Germany is prohibited. Austria fully recognizes its responsibilities in this matter and shall not enter into political or economic union with Germany in any form whatsoever.

2. In order to prevent such union Austria shall not conclude any agreement with Germany, nor do any act, nor take any measures likely, directly or in­directly, to promote political or economic union with Germany, or to impair its territorial integrity or political or economic independence. Austria further undertakes to prevent within its territory any act likely, directly or indirectly, to promote such union and shall prevent the existence, resurgence and activities of any organizations having as their aim political or economic union with Ger­many, and pan-German propaganda in favor of union with Germany.

Article 5 Frontiers of Austria The frontiers of Austria shall be those existing on 1st January, 1938.

Article 6 Human Rights

1.   Austria shall take all measures necessary to secure to all persons under Austrian jurisdiction, without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion, the enjoyment of human rights and of the fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, of press and publication, of religious worship, of political opinion and of public meeting.

2.   Austria further undertakes that the laws in force in Austria shall not, either in their content or in their application, discriminate or entail any discrim­ination between persons of Austrian nationality on the ground of their race, sex, language or religion, whether in reference to their persons, property, business, professional or financial interests, status, political or civil rights or any other matter.

Article 7

Rights of the Slovene and Croat Minorities

1. Austrian nationals of the Slovene and Croat minorities in Carinthia, Burgenland and Styria shall enjoy the same rights on equal terms as all other Austrian nationals, including the right to their own organizations, meetings and press in their own language.

2.   They are entitled to elementary instruction in the Slovene or Croat language and to a proportional number of their own secondary schools; in this connection school curricula shall be reviewed and a section of the Inspectorate of Education shall be established for Slovene and Croat schools.

3.   In the administrative and judicial districts of Carinthia, Burgenland and Styria, where there are Slovene, Croat or mixed populations, the Slovene or Croat language shall be accepted as an official language in addition to German. In such districts topographical terminology and inscriptions shall be in the Slovene or Croat language as well as in German.

4.    Austrian nationals of the Slovene and Croat minorities in Carinthia, Burgenland and Styria shall participate in the cultural, administrative and judicial systems in these territories on equal terms with other Austrian nationals.

5.   The activity of organizations whose aim is to deprive the Croat or Slovene population of their minority character or rights shall be prohibited.

Article 8 Democratic Institutions

Austria shall have a democratic government based on elections by secret ballot and shall guarantee to all citizens free, equal and universal suffrage as well as the right to be elected to public office without discrimination as to race, sex, language, religion or political opinion.

Article 9

Dissolution of Nazi Organizations

1.   Austria shall complete the measures, already begun by the enactment of appropriate legislation approved by the Allied Commission for Austria, to destroy the National Socialist Party and its affiliated and supervised organizations, including political, military and para-military organizations, on Austrian terri­tory. Austria shall also continue the efforts to eliminate from Austrian political, economic and cultural life all traces of Nazism, to ensure that the above-men­tioned organizations are not revived in any form, and to prevent all Nazi and militarist activity and propaganda in Austria.

2.   Austria undertakes to dissolve all Fascist-type organizations existing on its territory, political, military and para-military, and likewise any other organizations carrying on activities hostile to any United Nation or which intend to deprive the people of their democratic rights.

Austria undertakes not to permit, under threat of penal punishment which shall be immediately determined in accordance with procedures established by Austrian Law, the existence and the activity on Austrian territory of the above- mentioned organizations.

Article 10 Special Clauses on Legislation

1.   Austria undertakes to maintain and continue to implement the prin­ciples contained in the laws and legal measures adopted by the Austrian Govern­ment and Parliament since 1st May, 1945, and approved by the Allied Com­mission for Austria, aimed at liquidation of the remnants of the Nazi regime and at the re-establishment of the democratic system, and to complete the legislative and administrative measures already taken or begun since 1st May, 1945, to codify and give effect to the principles set out in Articles 6, 8 and 9 of the present Treaty, and insofar as she has not yet done so to repeal or amend all legislative and administrative measures adopted between 5th March, 1933, and 30th April, 1945, which conflict with the principles set forth in Articles 6, 8 and 9.

2.  Austria further undertakes to maintain the law of 3rd April, 1919, concerning the House of Hapsburg-Lorraine.

Article 11 Recognition of Peace Treaties

Austria undertakes to recognize the full force of the Treaties of Peace with Italy,1 Roumania,2 Bulgaria,3 Hungary,4 and Finland5 and other agreements or arrangements which have been or will be reached by the Allied and Associated Powers in respect of Germany and Japan6 for the restoration of peace.


Article 12

Prohibition of Service in the Austrian Armed Forces of Former Members

of Nazi Organizations, and Certain Other Categories of Persons

The following shall in no case be permitted to serve in the Austrian Armed Forces :

1. Persons not of Austrian nationality;

2.  Austrian nationals who had been German nationals at any time before 13th March, 1938;

3.   Austrian nationals who served in the rank of Colonel or in any higher rank in the German Armed Forces during the period from 13th March, 1938, to 8th May, 1945;

4.   With the exception of any persons who shall have been exonerated by the appropriate body in accordance with Austrian law, Austrian nationals falling within any of the following categories :

(a)         Persons who at any time belonged to the National Socialist Party (“N.S.D.A.P.”) or the “S.S.”, “S.A.”, or “S.D.” organizations; the Secret State Police (“Gestapo”); or the National Socialist Soldiers’ Association (“N.S. Soldatenring”); or the National Socialist Officers’ Association (“N.S. Offiziersvereinigung”).

(b)         Officers in the National Socialist Fliers’ Corps (“N.S.F.K.”) or the National Socialist Motor Corps (“N.S.K.K.”) of rank not lower than “Unter- sturmfuehrer” or its equivalent;

(c)         Functionaries in any supervised or affiliated organizations of the N.S.D.A.P. of rank not lower than that equivalent to “Ortsgruppen- leiter”;

(d)         Authors of printed works or scenarios placed by the competent commissions set up by the Government of Austria in the category of prohibited works because of their Nazi character;

(e)         Leaders of industrial, commercial and financial undertakings who according to the official and authenticated reports of existing industrial, commercial and financial associations, trade unions and party organizations are found by the competent commission to have cooperated actively in the achievement of the aims of the N.S.D.A.P. or of any of its affiliated organiza­tions, supported the principles of National Socialism or financed or spread propaganda for National Socialist organizations or their activities, and by any of the foregoing to have damaged the independent and democratic Austria.

Article 13 Prohibition of Special Weapons

1. Austria shall not possess, construct or experiment with—a) Any atomic weapon, b) any other major weapon adaptable now or in the future to mass destruction and defined as such by the appropriate organ of the United Nations, c) any self-propelled or guided missile or torpedoes, or apparatus connected with their discharge or control, d) sea mines, e) torpedoes capable of being

manned, f) submarines or other submersible craft, g) motor torpedo boats, h) specialized types of assault craft, i) guns with a range of more than 30 kilometers, j) asphyxiating, vesicant or poisonous materials or biological sub­stances in quantities greater than, or of types other than, are required for legiti­mate civil purposes, or any apparatus designed to produce, project or spread such materials or substances for war purposes.

2. The Allied and Associated Powers reserve the right to add to this Article prohibitions of any weapons which may be evolved as a result of scientific development.

Article 14

Disposal of War Materiel of Allied and German Origin

1.   All war materiel of Allied origin in Austria shall be placed at the disposal of the Allied or Associated Power concerned according to the instructions given by that Power.

Austria shall renounce all rights to the above-mentioned war materiel.

2.   Within one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty Austria shall render unusable for any military purpose or destroy :

all excess war materiel of German or other non-Allied origin;

in so far as they relate to modern war materiel, all German and Japanese drawings, including existing blueprints, prototypes, experimental models and plans;

all war materiel prohibited by Article 13 of the present Treaty; all specialized installations, including research and production equipment, prohibited by Ar­ticle 13 which are not convertible for authorized research, development or construction.

3. Within six months from the coming into force of the present Treaty Austria shall provide the Governments of the Soviet Union, of the United Kingdom, of the United States of America, and of France with a list of the war materiel and installations enumerated in paragraph 2.

4. Austria shall not manufacture any war materiel of German design.

Austria shall not acquire or possess, either publicly or privately, or by any other means, any war materiel of German manufacture, origin or design except that the Austrian Government may utilize, for the creation of the Austrian armed forces, restricted quantities of war materiel of German manufacture, origin or design remaining in Austria after the Second World War.

5. A definition and list of war materiel for the purposes of the present Treaty are contained in Annex I.1

Article 15 Prevention of German Rearmament

1.   Austria shall co-operate fully with the Allied and Associated Powers in order to ensure that Germany is unable to take steps outside German territory towards rearmament.

2.   Austria shall not employ or train in military or civil aviation or in the experimentation, design, production or maintenance of war materiel: persons who are, or were at any time previous to 13th March, 1938, nationals of Ger­many; or Austrian nationals precluded from serving in the Armed Forces under Article 12; or persons who are not Austrian nationals.

Article 16

Prohibition Relating to Civil Aircraft of German and Japanese Design

Austria shall not acquire or manufacture civil aircraft which are of German or Japanese design or which embody major assemblies of German or Japanese manufacture or design.

Article 17 Duration of Limitations

Each of the military and air clauses of the present Treaty shall remain in force until modified in whole or in part by agreement between the Allied and Associated Powers and Austria or, after Austria becomes a member of the United Nations, by agreement between the Security Council and Austria.

Article 18

Prisoners of War

1.   Austrians who are now prisoners of war shall be repatriated as soon as possible, in accordance with arrangements to be agreed upon by the individual Powers detaining them and Austria.

2.   All costs, including maintenance costs, incurred in moving Austrians who are now prisoners of war from their respective assembly points, as chosen by the Government of the Allied or Associated Power concerned, to the point of their entry into Austrian territory, shall be borne by the Government of Austria.

Article 19 War Graves and Memorials

1,. Austria undertakes to respect, preserve and maintain the graves on Austrian territory of the soldiers, prisoners of war and nationals forcibly brought to Austria of the Allied Powers as well as of the other United Nations which were at war with Germany, the memorials and emblems on these graves, and the memorials to the military glory of the armies which fought on Austrian territory against Hitlerite Germany.

2. The Government of Austria shall recognize any commission, delegation or other organization authorized by the State concerned to identify, list, main­tain or regulate the graves and edifices referred to in paragraph 1; shall facilitate the work of such organizations; and shall conclude in respect of the above- mentioned graves and edifices such agreements as may prove necessary with the State concerned or with any commission or delegation or other organization authorized by it. It likewise agrees to render, in conformity with reasonable sanitary requirements, every facility for the disinterment and despatch to their own country of the remains buried in the said graves, whether at the request of the official organizations of the State concerned or at the request of the relatives of the persons interred.


Article 20 Withdrawal of Allied Forces

1. The Agreement on the Machinery of Control in Austria of 28th June, 19461 shall terminate on the coming into force of the present Treaty.

2.   On the coming into force of the present Treaty, the Inter-Allied Com­mand established under paragraph 4 of the Agreement on Zones of Occupation in Austria and the Administration of the City of Vienna of 9th July, 1945,1 shall cease to exercice any functions with respect to the administration of the City of Vienna. The Agreement on Zones of Occupation of Austria shall terminate upon completion of the withdrawal from Austria of the forces of the Allied and Associated Powers in accordance with paragraph 3 of the present Article.

3.   The forces of the Allied and Associated Powers and members of the Allied Commission for Austria shall be withdrawn from Austria within ninety days from the coming into force of the present Treaty, and in so far as possible not later than 31st December, 1955.

4.   The Government of Austria shall accord to the forces of the Allied and Associated Powers and the members of the Allied Commission for Austria pending their withdrawal from Austria the same rights, immunities and facilities as they enjoyed immediately before the coming into force of the present Treaty.

5.   The Allied and Associated Powers undertake to return to the Govern­ment of Austria after the coming into force of the present Treaty and within the period specified in paragraph 3 of this Article :

(a)          All currency which was made available free of cost to the Allied and Associated Powers for the purpose of the occupation and which remains unexpended at the time of completion of withdrawal of the Allied forces;

(b)         All Austrian property requisitioned by Allied forces or the Allied Commission, and which is still in their possession. The obligations under this sub-paragraph shall be applied without prejudice to the provisions of Article 22 of the present Treaty.



Article 21 Reparation

No reparation shall be exacted from Austria arising out of the existence of a state of war in Europe after 1st September, 1939.

Article 22

German Assets in Austria

The Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and France have the right to dispose of all German assets in Austria in accord­ance with the Protocol of the Berlin Conference of 2nd August, 1945.

1.   The Soviet Union shall receive for a period of validity of thirty years concessions to oil fields equivalent to 60% of the extraction of oil in Austria for 1947, as well as property rights to all buildings, constructions, equipment, and other property belonging to these oil fields, in accordance with list No. I1 and map No. I2 annexed to the Treaty.

2.   The Soviet Union shall receive concessions to 60% of all exploration areas located in Eastern Austria that are German assets to which the Soviet Union is entitled in conformity with the Potsdam Agreement and which are in its possession at the present time, in accordance with list No. 2® and map No 22 annexed to the Treaty.

The Soviet Union shall have the right to carry out explorations on the exploration areas mentioned in the present paragraph for 8 years and to sub­sequent extraction of oil for a period of 25 years beginning from the moment of the discovery of oil.

3.   The Soviet Union shall receive oil refineries having a total annual production capacity of 420,000 tons of crude oil, in accordance with list No. 34.

4.   The Soviet Union shall receive those undertakings concerned in the distribution of oil products which are at its disposal, in accordance with list No. 4.5

5.   The Soviet Union shall receive the assets of the Danube Shipping Com­pany (D.D.S.G.), located in Hungary, Roumania and Bulgaria; and, likewise, in accordance with list No. 5,6 100% of the assets of the Danube Shipping Company located in Eastern Austria.

6.   The Soviet Union shall transfer to Austria property, rights and interests held or claimed as German assets, together with existing equipment, and shall also transfer war industrial enterprises, together with existing equipment, houses and similar immovable property, including plots of land, located in

Austria and held or claimed as war booty with the exception of the assets men­tioned in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the present Article. Austria for its part undertakes to pay the Soviet Union 1.50,000,000 United States dollars in freely convertible currency within a period of 6 years.

The said sum will be paid by Austria to the Soviet Union in equal three- monthly installments of 6,250,000 United States dollars in freely convertible currency. The first payment will be made on the first day of the second month following the month of the entry into force of the present Treaty. Subsequent three-monthly payments will be made on the first day of the appropriate month. The last three-monthly payment will be made on the last day of the six-year period after the entry into force of this Treaty.

The basis for payments provided for in this Article will be the United States dollar at its gold parity on 1st September, 1949, that is, 35 dollars for 1 ounce of gold.

As security for the punctual payment of the above-mentioned sums due to the Soviet Union the Austrian National Bank shall issue to the State Bank of the U.S.S.R. within two weeks of the coming into force of the present Treaty promissory notes to the total sum of 150,000,000 United States dollars to become payable on the dates provided for in the present Article.

The promissory notes to be issued by Austria will be non-interest-bearing. The State Bank of the U.S.S.R. does not intend to discount these notes provided that the Austrian Government and the Austrian National Bank carry out their obligations punctually and exactly.

7. Legal Position of Assets :

(a)          All former German assets which have become the property of the Soviet Union in accordance with paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the present Article shall, as the general rule, remain under Austrian jurisdiction and, in conformity with this, Austrian legislation shall apply to them.

(b)         Where duties and charges, commercial and industrial rights and the levying of taxation are concerned, these assets shall be subject to condi­tions not less favorable than those which apply or will apply to undertakings belonging to Austria and its nationals and also to other states and persons who are accorded most-favored-nation treatment.

(c)         All former German assets which have become the property of the Soviet Union shall not be subject to exportation without the consent of the Soviet Union.

(d)          Austria will not raise any difficulties in regard to the export of profits or other income (i.e. rents) in the form of ouput or of any freely convertible currency received.

(e)         The rights, properties and interests transferred to the Soviet Union as well as the rights, properties and interests which the Soviet

Union relinquishes to Austria shall be transferred without any charges or claims on the part of the Soviet Union or on the part of Austria. Under the words “charges and claims” is understood not only creditor claims arising out of the exercise of Allied control of these properties, rights and interests after 8th May, 1945, but also all other claims including claims in respect of taxes. The reciprocal waiver by the Soviet Union and Austria of charges and claims applies to all such charges and claims as exist on the date when Austria formalizes the rights of the Soviet Union to the former German assets transferred to it and on the date of the actual transfer to Austria of the assets relinquished by the Soviet Union.

8.   The transfer to Austria of all properties, rights and interests provided for in paragraph 6 of the present Article, and also the formalizing by Austria of the rights of the Soviet Union to the former German assets to be transferred shall be effected within two months from the date of the entry into force of the present Treaty.

9.   The Soviet Union shall likewise own the rights, property and interests in respect of all assets, wherever they may be situated in Eastern Austria, created by Soviet organizations or acquired by them by purchase after 8th May, 1945 for the operation of the properties enumerated in Lists 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 below.

The provisions as set forth in sub-paragraphs a, b, c and d of paragraph 7 of the present Article shall correspondingly apply to these assets.

10.  Disputes which may arise in connection with the application of the provisions of the present Article shall be settled by means of bilateral negotiations between the interested parties.

In the event of failure to reach agreement by bilateral negotiations between the Governments of the Soviet Union and of Austria within three months, disputes shall be referred for settlement to an Arbitration Commission consisting of one representative of the Soviet Union and one representative of Austria with the addition of a third member, a national of a third country, selected by mutual agreement between the two Governments.

11.  The United Kingdom, the United States of America and France hereby transfer to Austria all property, rights and interests held or claimed by or on behalf of any of them in Austria as former German assets or war booty.

Property, rights and interests transferred to Austria under this paragraph shall pass free from any charges or claims on the part of the United Kingdom, the United States of America or France arising out of the exercise of their control of these properties, rights or interests after 8th May, 1945.

12.  After fulfillment by Austria of all obligations stipulated in the provisions of the present Article or derived from such provisions, the claims of the Allied and Associated Powers with respect to former German assets in Austria, based on the Decision of the Berlin Conference of 2nd August, 1945, shall be considered as fully satisfied.

13.   Austria undertakes that, except in the case of educational, cultural, charitable and religious property none of the properties, rights and interests transferred to it as former German assets shall be returned to ownership of German juridical persons or where the value of the property, rights and interests exceeds 260,000 shillings, to the ownership of German natural persons. Austria further undertakes not to pass to foreign ownership those rights and properties indicated in Lists 1 and 2 of this Article which will be transferred to Austria by the Soviet Union in accordance with the Austro-Soviet Memorandum of April 15, 1955.

14.  The provisions of this Article shall be subject to the terms of Annex II1 of this Treaty.

LIST No. 1

Oil Fields in Eastern Austria on Which Concessions Shall Be Granted to the Soviet Union

Serial No.Name of Oil FieldName of Company
2.St. Ulrich-DEAD.E.A.
3.St. Ulrich-NiederdonauNiederdonau
(50% of Production)E.P.G.

Note: A. All properties of the oil fields listed above shall be transferred to the Soviet Union, including all wells, both productive and non-productive, with all their surface and underground equipment, oil collecting networks, installations and equipment for drilling, compressor and pumping stations, mechanical workshops, gasoline installa­tions, steam-generating plants, electric generating plants and sub-stations with trans­mission networks, pipe lines, water supply systems and water mains, electric networks, steam lines, gas mains, oilfield roads, approach roads, telephone lines, fire fighting equip­ment, motor vehicle and tractor parks, office and living accommodation serving the fields, and other property connected with the exploitation of the oil fields listed above.

B. The right of ownership and leasehold rights to all the properties of the above- mentioned producing fields shall be transferred to the Soviet Union to the extent that any natural or juridical person who owned these fields, exploited them or participated in their exploitation, had rights in, title to, or interest in the said properties.

In cases where any property was held on lease, the periods of the leases, as provided for in the lease agreements, shall be calculated from the date of the entry into force of the present Treaty, and the lease agreements cannot be terminated without the consent of the Soviet Union.

LIST No. 2

Concessions to Oil Exploration Areas in Eastern Austria To Be Transferred to the

Soviet Union

Serial No.Name of ConcessionName of CompanyHectarage of the area to be ceded to the U.S.S.R.
2.LeithagebirgeKohle Oel
3.Gross Enzersdorf
(including the Aderklaa field)Niederdonau175,000
4.Hauskirchen (including the Alt
Lichtenwarth field)Itag4,800
5.St. UlrichD.E.A.740
6.SchrattenbergKohle Oel
9.Paasdorf (50% of the area)E.P.G.3,650
12.Drasenhofen (area on AustrianKohle Oel
17.Klosterneuburg (50% of the area)E.P.G.7,900
20.Oedenburger PforteKohle Oel
21.TullnDonau Oel38.070
Serial No.Name of ConcessionName of CompanyHectarage of the area to be ceded to the U.S.S.R.
22.Kilb (50% of the area)E.P.G.18,220
23.PullendorfKohle Oel
24.Nord Steiermark (50% of the area
in the Soviet Zone)E.P.G.55,650
25.Mittel Steiermark (area in the
Soviet Zone)Wintershal9,840
26.Gosting (50% of the area)E.P.G.250
Total26 Conces­sions766,340 ha.

Note: A. All the properties of the above-mentioned oil exploration areas shall be transferred to the Soviet Union.

B. The right of ownership and leasehold rights to all the properties of the above- mentioned oil exploration areas shall be transferred to the Soviet Union to the extent that any natural or juridical person who owned these oil exploration areas, exploited them or participated in their exploitation, had rights in, title to, or interest in the said properties.

In cases where any property was held on lease, the periods of the leases, as provided for in the lease agreements, shall be calculated from the date of the entry into force of the present Treaty, and the lease agreements cannot be terminated without the consent of the Soviet Union.

LIST No. 3

Oil Refineries in Eastern Austria the Property Rights to Which Are To Be Transferred

to the Soviet Union

Serial No.Name of the refineryAnnual productive capacity in 1,000 tons of crude oil in 1947
4.Okeros (re-refining)
5.Oil Refinery Moosbierbaum excluding
the equipment belonging to France
and subject to restitution.Total420.0

Note: A. The properties of the refineries shall be transferred with all their equip­ment including technological installations, electric generating stations, steam generating plants, mechanical workshops, oil depot equipment and storage parks, loading ramps and river moorings, pipe lines including the pipe line Lobau-Zistersdorf, roads, approach roads, office and living quarters, fire fighting equipment, etc.

B. The right of ownership and leasehold rights to all the properties of the above- mentioned oil refineries shall be transferred to the Soviet Union to the extent that any natural or juridical person who owned these refineries, exploited them or participated in their exploitation, had rights in, title to, or interest in the said properties.

In cases where any property was held on lease, the periods of the leases, as provided for in the lease agreements, shall be calculated from the date of the entry into force of the present Treaty, and the lease agreements cannot be terminated without the consent of the Soviet Union.

LIST No. 4

Undertakings in Eastern Austria Engaged in the Distribution of Oil Products, the Property Rights to Which Are To Be Transferred to the Soviet Union

Note: A. The undertakings shall be transferred with all their property located in Eastern Austria, including oil depots, pipe lines, distributing pumps, filling and emptying ramps, river moorings, roads, approach roads, etc.

In addition, the property rights over the whole park of railway tank wagons now in the possession of Soviet organizations shall be transferred to the Soviet Union.

B. The right of ownership and leasehold rights to all the equipment of the above- mentioned undertakings situated in Eastern Austria and engaged in the distribution

Serial No.Name of the Undertaking
1.Deutsche Gasolin A.G.—distributing branch in Austria G.m.b.H.
2.A.G. der Kohlenwerkstoffverband Gruppe Benzin-Benzol – Verband- Bochum—branch in Austria including the oil depot belonging to it at Praterspitz.
3.Nova Mineral Oel Vertrieb Gesellschaft m.b.H.
4.Donau-Oel G.m.b.H.
5.Nitag with the oil depot at Praterspitz.
6.Firms engaged in gas distribution Erdgas G.m.b.H., Ferngas A.G., Zaya Gas G.m.b.H., Reintal Gas G.m.b.H. and B.F. Methane G.m.b.H.
7.8.Oil depots Praterspitz Winter Hafen and Mauthausen. Wirtschaftliche Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H. (W.I.F.O.) Oil depot at Lobau and plots of land.
9.Pipe line Lobau (Austria)—Raudnitza (Czechoslovakia) on the section from Lobau to the Czechoslovak frontier.

of oil products shall be transferred to the Soviet Union to the extent that any natural or juridical person who owned these undertakings, exploited them or participated in their exploitation, had rights in, title to, or interest in the said equipment.

In cases where any property was held on lease, the periods of the leases, as provided for in the lease agreements, shall be calculated from the date of the entry into force of the present Treaty, and the lease agreements cannot be terminated without the consent of the Soviet Union.

LIST No. 5

Assets of the D.D.S.G. in Eastern Austria To Be Transferred to the Soviet Union

I. Shipyard in the Town of Korneuburg

The property rights of the shipyard in the town of Korneuburg situated on the left bank of the Danube at Kilometer 1943 and occupying territory on both sides of the old bed of the river Danube, with an aggregate area estimated at 220,770 square meters are to be transferred to the Soviet Union. The wharf area is equal to 61,300 square meters and the berth accommodation to 177 meters.

Furthermore, rights in the lease of the shipyard area of 2,946 square meters are to be transferred to the Soviet Union.

Property rights and other rights to all the equipment of the shipyard to the extent that the D.D.S.G. had rights, or title to or interest in the said equipment, including all plots of land, buildings, dockyards and slips, floating tackle, workshops, buildings and premises, power stations and transformer sub-stations, railway sidings, transport equipment, technological and operational equipment, tools and inventory, communica­tions and all communal welfare installations, dwelling houses and barracks, and also all other property belonging to the shipyard are to be transferred to the Soviet Union.

II. Areas of the Port of the City of Vienna

a)  First Area (Nordbahnbruecke)

1.  Port area from point 1931, 347.35 kilometers along the course of the Danube to point 1931, 211.65 kilometers, including in it the Donau-Sandwerkplatz area, and from point 1931, 176.90 kilometers to point 1930, 439.35 kilometers along the course of the Danube, including in it the areas Nordbahnbruecke and Zzoischenbruecke, extending along the wharfside for a total distance of 873.2 meters and with an average width of about 70 meters.

b)  Second Area (Nordbahnlaende)

2.  Port area from point 1929, 803.00 kilometers to point 1929, 618.00 kilometers along the course of the Danube, extending along the wharfside for a distance of 185.00 meters and with an average width of about 15 meters with the two adjacent railways and also the plot of the Kommunal Baeder area.

c) Third Area (Praterkai)

Port area from point 1928, 858.90 kilometers to point 1927, 695.30 kilometers along the course of the Danube, for a distance of 1163.60 meters and with an average width of about 70 meters.

d) Fourth Area

Port area, bordering on point 1925, 664.7 kilometers, on the Danube on the area of the port used by the Hungarian Steamship Company, to point 1925, 529.30 kilometers on the area occupied by the railway (Kaibahnhof), extending along the wharfside for a total distance of 135.4 meters and with an average width of about 70 meters.

The four areas of the Port enumerated shall be transferred with all the hydro-technical constructions, warehouses, magazines, sheds, river station, operational, service and dwelling houses, auxiliary buildings and constructions, mechanical and loading and unloading equipment and mechanisms, repair shops with equipment, transformer sub­stations and electrical equipment, communications, communal welfare installations, all road and transport installations and also all equipment and inventory.

III. Property and Plant of the Agencies, of River Stations and Stores

Serial NumberName
1.Agency and warehouse building.
2.Agency and warehouse building.
3.Land plot 536 square meters.
4.Waiting room.
5.Agency building.
6.Agency building.
8Agency and warehouse building.
9.Agency building.
10.Agency building.
Serial NumberName
11.Living premises.
12.Agency building.
13.Land plot 1598 square meters.
14.Warehouse (in the city).
15.Waiting room and office.
17.Waiting room.
18.Agency building.
20.Agency building.
22.Land plot 1355 square meters.
23.Office and waiting room.
25.Land plot 516 square meters.
26.Agency building.
27.Living premises.
28.Waiting room and warehouse building.
29.Land plot alongside house.
30.Agency building.
31.Waiting room.
32.Agency building.
Serial NumberName
34.Waiting room and booking office building.
35.Living premises.
36.Agency building.
38.Land plot 754 square meters.
39.Agency building.
Landing Stages

The property enumerated in Section III. is to be transferred with all equipment and inventory.

IV. Property in the City of Vienna

1.  Living house at No. 11, Archduke Karl Square (formerly house No. 6), 2nd District, standing on its own land.

2.  Freehold land and house at 204 Handelskai, 2nd District.

3.  Freehold building plots in Wehlistrasse, 2nd District, Catastral Registry Nos. 1660, 1661, 1662.

4.  Leased land plot at No. 286 Handelskai, 2nd District.

The property enumerated in Section IV. is to be transferred with all equipment and inventory.

Note to Sections II., III. and IV

The land, occupied by the Port area mentioned in Section II. of the present list, and also by the agency buildings, river stations, warehouses and other buildings, enumerat­ed in Sections III. and IV. of the present list and also all property indicated in Sections II., III. and IV. are to be transferred to the U.S.S.R. on the same legal basis on which this land and other property were held by the D.D.S.G., with the proviso that the land

and other property owned by the D.D.S.G. on 8th May, 1945, pass into the ownership of the U.S.S.R.

In cases where agreements which established the legal basis for the transfer of land to the D.D.S.G. did not provide for the transfer to the D.D.S.G. of the ownership rights to this land, the Austrian Government shall be obliged to formalize the transfer to the U.S.S.R. of rights, acquired by the D.D.S.G. by such agreements, and to prolong the validity of the latter for an indefinite period with the proviso that in the future the validity of such agreements shall not be canceled without the consent of the Government of the U.S.S.R.

The extent of the Soviet Union’s liabilities in respect of these agreements is to be determined by agreement between the Government of the U.S.S.R. and the Government of Austria. These liabilities shall not exceed the liabilities undertaken by the D.D.S.G. in accordance with agreements concluded on or before 8th May, 1945.

V. Vessels, Belonging to the D.D.S.G. Located in Eastern Austria and To Be Transferred

to U.S.S.R.

N”.Type of VesselPresent NameOld NameHorse PowerCargo carrying capacity
4.Dumb tanker104DDSG-09714967
5.Dumb tanker144DDSG-09756974
6.Dumb tanker161DDSG-05602548
7.Dumb tanker09765DDSG-09765952
8.Dumb tanker29DDSG-XXIX1030
9.Dumb dry cargo22(Taken over after972
10.Dumb dry cargo23(Taken over after____972
11.Dumb dry cargoEL-72DDSG-EL-72____180
12.Dumb dry cargo654DDSG-67277____669
13.Dumb dry cargo689DDSG-6566____657
No.Type of VesselPresent NameOld NameHorse PowerCargo carrying capacity
14.Dumb dry cargo barge1058DDSG-1058950
15.Dumb dry cargo barge5016DDSG-5016520
16.Dumb dry cargo barge5713DDSG-5713576
17.Dumb dry cargo barge5728DDSG-5728602
18.Dumb dry cargo barge6746DDSG-6746670
19.Dumb dry cargo barge65204DDSG-65204650
20.Dumb dry cargo barge67173DDSG-67173670
21.Dumb dry cargo barge10031DDSG-10031942
22.Dumb dry cargo barge5015DDSG-5015511
23.Dumb dry cargo barge6525DDSG-6525682
24.Dumb dry cargo barge67266DDSG-67266680 Lighter Double funnelpontoon Double funnelpontoon Double funnelpontoon Landing stage Pontoon Deckless Lighter304 411 RP-IVRP-VIRP-XXEP-97 EP-120TraunerJohanna V-238 RP-IVDDSG-RP-VIDDSG-RP-XXDDSG-EP-9721 DDSG-EP-120Traunerss | 1 1 III Crane Floating Crane Pontoon PontoonP-1 P-2 PT-7 PT-8(nameless) DDSG-21

Article 23

Austrian Property in Germany and Renunciation of Claims bij Austria on Germany

1.   From the date of the coming into of the present Treaty the property in Germany of the Austrian Government or of Austrian nationals, including property forcibly removed from Austrian territory to Germany after 12th March, 1938 shall be returned to its owners. This provision shall not apply to the property of war criminals or persons who have been subjected to the penalties of denazification measures; such property shall be placed at the disposal of the Austrian Government if it has not been subjected to blocking or con­fiscation in accordance with the laws or ordinances in force in Germany after 8th May, 1945.

2.   The restoration of Austrian property rights in Germany shall be effected in accordance with measures which will be determined by the Powers in occupa­tion of Germany in their zones of occupation.

3.   Without prejudice to these and to any other disposition in favor of Austria and Austrian nationals by the Powers occupying Germany, and without prejudice to the validity of settlements already reached, Austria waives on its own behalf and on behalf of Austrian nationals all claims against Germany and German nationals outstanding on 8th May, 1945 except those arising out of contract and other obligations entered into, and rights acquired, before 13th March, 1938. This waiver shall be deemed to include all claims in respect of transactions effected by Germany during the period of the annexation of Austria and all claims in respect of loss or damage suffered during the said period, particularly in respect of the German public debt held by the Austrian Government or its nationals and of currency withdrawn at the time of the monetary conversion. Such currency shall be destroyed upon the coming into force of the present Treaty.

Article 24

Renunciation by Austria of Claims against the Allies

1. Austria waives all claims of any description against the Allied and Associated Powers on behalf of the Austrian Government or Austrian nationals arising directly out of the war in Europe after 1st September, 1939, or out of actions taken because of the existence of a state of war in Europe after that

date whether or not such Allied or Associated Power was at war with Germany at the time. This renunciation of claims includes the following:

(a)          Claims for losses or damages sustained as a consequence of acts of armed forces or authorities of Allied or Associated Powers;

(b)          Claims arising from the presence, operations or actions of armed forces or authorities of Allied or Associated Powers in Austrian territory;

(c)          Claims with respect to the decrees or orders of Prize Courts of Allied or Associated Powers, Austria agreeing to accept as valid and binding all decrees and orders of such Prize Courts on or after 1st September, 1939 concerning ships or goods belonging to Austrian nationals or concerning the payment of costs;

(d)          Claims arising out of the exercice or purported exercice of bellig­erent rights.

2. The provisions of this Article shall bar, completely and finally, all claims of the nature referred to herein, which shall henceforward be extinguished, whoever may be the parties in interest. The Austrian Government agrees to make equitable compensation in schillings to persons who furnished supplies or services on requisition to the forces of Allied or Associated Powers in Austrian territory and in satisfaction of noncombat damage claims against the forces of the Allied or Associated Powers arising in Austrian territory.

3.   Austria likewise waives all claims of the nature covered by paragraph 1 of this Article on behalf of the Austrian Government or Austrian nationals against any of the United Nations whose diplomatic relations with Germany were broken off between 1st September, 1939 and 1st January, 1945, and which took action in co-operation with the Allied and Associated Powers.

4.   The Government of Austria shall assume full responsibility for Allied military currency of denominations of five schillings and under issued in Austria by the Allied Military Authorities, including all such currency in circulation at the coming into force of the present Treaty. Notes issued by the Allied Military Authorities of denominations higher than five schillings shall be destroyed and no claims may be made in this connection against any of the Allied or Associated Powers.

5. The waiver of claims by Austria under paragraph 1 of this Article including any claims arising out of actions taken by any of the Allied or Asso­ciated Powers with respect to ships belonging to Austrian nationals between 1st September, 1939 and the coming into force of the present Treaty as well as any claims and debts arising out of the Conventions on prisoners of war now in force.


PROPERTY, RIGHTS AND INTERESTS Article 25 United Nations Property in Austria

1.   In so far as Austria has not already done so, Austria shall restore all legal rights and interests in Austria of the United Nations and their nationals as they existed on the day hostilities commenced between Germany and the United Nation concerned, and shall return all property in Austria of the United Nations and their nationals as it now exists.

2.   The Austrian Government undertakes that all property, rights and inter­ests falling under this Article shall be restored free of all encumbrances and charges of any kind to which they may have become subject as a result of the war with Germany and without the imposition of any charges by the Austrian Government in connection with their return. The Austrian Government shall nullify all measures of seizure, sequestration or control taken against United Nations property in Austria between the day of commencement of hostilities between Germany and the United Nation concerned and the coming into force of the present Treaty. In cases where the property has not been returned within six months from the coming into force of the present Treaty, applications for the return of property shall be made to the Austrian authorities not later than twelve months from the coming into force of the Treaty, except in cases in which the claimant is able to show that he could not file his application within this period.

3.   The Austrian Government shall invalidate transfers involving property, rights and interests of any description belonging to United Nations nationals, where such transfer resulted from force exerted by Axis Governments or their agencies between the beginning of hostilities between Germany and the United Nation concerned and 8th May, 1945.

4.   (a) In cases in which the Austrian Government provides compensation for losses suffered by reason of injury or damage to property in Austria which occurred during the German occupation of Austria or during the war, United Nations nationals shall not receive less favorable treatment than that accorded

to Austrian nationals; and in such cases United Nations nationals who hold, directly or indirectly, ownership interests in corporations or associations which are not United Nations nationals within the meaning of paragraph 8 (a) of this Article shall receive compensation based on the total loss or damage suffered by the corporations or associations and bearing the same proportion to such loss or damage as the beneficial interest of such nationals bears to the capital of the corporation or association.

(b) The Austrian Government shall accord to United Nations and their nationals the same treatment in the allocation of materials for the repair or rehabilitation of their property in Austria and in the allocation of foreign exchange for the importation of such materials as applies to Austrian nationals.

5.   All reasonable expenses incurred in Austria in establishing claims, including the assessment of loss or damage, shall be borne by the Austrian Government.

6.   United Nations nationals and their property shall be exempted from any exceptional taxes, levies, or imposts imposed on their capital assets in Austria by the Austrian Government or by any Austrian authority between the date of the surrender of the German armed forces and the coming into force of the present Treaty for the specific purpose of meeting charges arising out of the war or of meeting the costs of occupying forces. Any sums which have been so paid shall be refunded.

7.   The owner of the property concerned and the Austrian Government may agree upon arrangements in lieu of the provisions of this Article.

8.   As used in this Article :

(a)          “United Nations nationals” means individuals who are nationals of any of the United Nations, or corporations or associations organized under the laws of any of the United Nations, at the coming into force of the present Treaty, provided that the said individuals, corporations or asso­ciations also had this status on 8th May, 1945.

The term “United Nations nationals” also includes all individuals, corporations or associations which, under the laws in force in Austria during the war, were treated as enemy.

(b)         “Owner” means one of the United Nations, or a national of one of the United Nations, as defined in sub-paragraph (a) above, who is entitled to the property in question, and includes a successor of the owner,

provided that the successor is also a United Nation or a United Nations national as defined in sub-paragraph (a). If the successor has purchased the property in its damaged state, the transferor shall retain his rights to compensation under this Article, without prejudice to obligations between the transferor and the purchaser under domestic law.

(c) “Property” means all movable or immovable property, whether tangible or intangible, including industrial, literary and artistic property, as well as all rights or interests of any kind in property.

9.   The provisions of this Article do not apply to transfers of property, rights or interests of United Nations or United Nations nationals in Austria made in accordance with laws and enactments which were in force as Austrian Law on 28th June 1946.

10.  The Austrian Government recognizes that the Brioni Agreement of 10th August, 1942 is null and void. It undertakes to participate with the other signatories of the Rome Agreement of 21st March, 1923, in any negotiations having the purpose of introducing into its provisions the modifications necessary to ensure the equitable settlement of the annuities which it provides.

Article 26

Property, Rights and Interests of Minority Groups

in Austria

1.   In so far as such action has not already been taken, Austria undertakes that, in all cases where property, legal rights or interests in Austria have since 13th March, 1938, been subject of forced transfer or measures of sequestration, confiscation or control on account of the racial origin or religion of the owner, the said property shall be returned and the said legal rights and interests shall be restored together with their accessories. Where return or restoration is impossible, compensation shall be granted for losses incurred by reason of such measures to the same extent as is, or may be, given to Austrian nationals generally in respect of war damage.

2.   Austria agrees to take under its control all property, legal rights and interests in Austria of persons, organizations or communities which, individually or as members of groups, were the object of racial, religious or othei Nazi measures of persecution where, in the case of persons, such property, rights and interests remain heirless or unclaimed for six months after the coming into force of the present Treaty, or where in the case of organizations and communities such

organizations or communities have ceased to exist. Austria shall transfer such property, rights and interests to appropriate agencies or organizations to be designated by the Four Heads of Mission in Vienna by agreement with the Aus­trian Government to be used for the relief and rehabilitation of victims of persecution by the Axis Powers, it being understood that these provisions do not require Austria to make payments in foreign exchange or other transfers to foreign countries which would constitute a burden on the Austrian economy. Such transfer shall be effected within eighteen months from the coming into force of the present Treaty and shall include property, rights and interests re­quired to be restored under paragraph 1 of this Article.

Article 27

Austrian Property in the Territory of the Allied and Associated Powers

1. The Allied and Associated Powers declare their intention to return Austrian property, rights and interests as they now exist in their territories or the proceeds arising out of the liquidation, disposal or realization of such prop­erty, rights or interests, subject to accrued taxes, expenses of administration, creditor claims and other like charges, where such property, rights or interests have been liquidated, disposed of or otherwise realized. The Allied and Asso­ciated Powers will be prepared to conclude agreements with the Austrian Gov­ernment for this purpose.

2. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the Federal Peoples’ Re­public of Yugoslavia shall have the right to seize, retain or liquidate Austrian property, rights and interests within Yugoslav territory on the coming into force of the present Treaty. The Government of Austria undertakes to com­pensate Austrian nationals whose property is taken under this paragraph.

Article 28 Debts

1.   The Allied and Associated Powers recognize that interest payments and similar charges on Austrian Government securities falling due after 12th March, 1938, and before 8th May, 1945, constitute a claim on Germany and not on Austria.

2.   The Allied and Associated Powers declare their intention not to avai 1 themselves of the previsions of loan agreements made by the Government of

Austria before 13th March 1938, in so far as those provisions granted to the creditors a right of control over the government finances of Austria.

3.   The existence of the state of war between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany shall not, in itself, be regarded as affecting the obligation to pay pecuniary debts arising out of obligations and contracts that existed, and rights that were acquired before the existence of the state of war, which became payable prior to the coming into force of the present Treaty, and which are due by the Government or nationals of Austria to the Government or nation­als of one of the Allied and Associated Powers or are due by the Government or nationals of one of the Allied and Associated Powers to the Government or nationals of Austria.

4.   Except as otherwise expressly provided in the present Treaty, nothing therein shall be construed as impairing debtor-creditor relationships arising out of contracts concluded at any time prior to 1st September, 1939, by either the Government of Austria or persons who were nationals of Austria on 12th March, 1938.


Article 29

1. Pending the conclusion of commercial treaties or agreements between individual United Nations and Austria, the Government of Austria shall, during a period of eighteen months from the coming into force of the present Treaty, grant the following treatment to each of the United Nations which, in fact, reciprocally grants similar treatment in like matters to Austria :

(a)          In all that concerns duties and charges on importation or exporta­tion, the internal taxation of imported goods and all regulations pertaining thereto, the United Nations shall be granted unconditional most-favored- nation treatment;

(b)          In all other respects, Austria shall make no arbitrary discrimination against goods originating in or destined for any territory of any of the United Nations as compared with like goods originating in or destined for territory of any other of the United Nations or of any other foreign country;

(c) United Nations nationals, including juridical persons, shall be granted national and most-favored-nation treatment in all matters pertaining to commerce, industry, shipping and other forms of business activity within Austria. These provisions shall not apply to commercial aviation;

(d) Austria shall grant no exclusive or preferential rights to any country with regard to the operation of commercial aircraft in international traffic, shall afford all the United Nations equality of opportunity in ob­taining international commercial aviation rights in Austrian territory, including the right to land for refuelling and repair, and, with regard to the operation of commercial aircraft in international traffic, shall grant on a reciprocal and non-discriminatory basis to all United Nations the right to fly over Austrian territory without landing. These provisions shall not affect the interests of the national defense of Austria.

2. The foregoing undertaking by Austria shall be understood to be subject to the exceptions customarily included in commercial treaties concluded by Austria prior to 13th March, 1938; and the provisions with respect to reciprocity granted by each of the United Nations shall be understood to be subject to the exceptions customarily included in the commercial treaties concluded by that State.


Article 30

1. Any disputes which may arise in giving effect to the Article entitled “United Nations Property in Austria” of the present Treaty shall be referred to a Conciliation Commission established on a parity basis consisting of one representative of the Government of the United Nation concerned and one representative of the Government of Austria. If within three months after the dispute has been referred to the Conciliation Commission no agreement has been reached, either Government may ask for the addition to the Commission of a third member selected by mutual agreement of the two Governments from nationals of a third country. Should the two Governments fail to agree within two months on the selection of a third member of the Commission, either Government may request the Heads of the Diplomatic Missions in Vienna of the Soviet Union, of the United Kingdom, of the United States of America, and of France to make the appointment. If the Heads of Mission are unable to agree within a period of one month upon the appointment of a third member,

the Secretary-General of the United Nations may be requested by either party to make the appointment.

2.   When any Conciliation Commission is established under paragraph 1 of this Article, it shall have jurisdiction over all disputes which may thereafter arise between the United Nation concerned and Austria in the application or interpretation of the Article referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and shall perform the functions attributed to it by those provisions.

3.   Each Conciliation Commission shall determine its own procedure, adopting rules conforming to justice and equity.

4.   Each Government shall pay the salary of the member of the Conciliation Commission whom it appoints and of any agent whom it may designate to represent it before the Commission. The salary of the third member shall be fixed by special agreement between the Governments concerned and this salary, together with the common expenses of each Commission, shall be paid in equal shares by the two Governments.

5.   The parties undertake that their authorities shall furnish directly to the Conciliation Commission all assistance which may be within their power.

6.   The decision of the majority of the members of the Commission shall be the decision of the Commission, and shall be accepted by the parties as definitive and binding.



Article 31 Provisions Relating to the Danube

Navigation on the Danube shall be free and open for the nationals, vessels of commerce, and goods of all States, on a footing of equality in regard to port and navigation charges and conditions for merchant shipping. The foregoing shall not apply to traffic between ports of the same State.

Article 32 Transit Facilities

1. Austria shall facilitate as far as possible railway traffic in transit through its territory at reasonable rates and shall be prepared to conclude with neigh­boring States reciprocal agreements for this purpose.

2. The Allied and Associated Powers undertake to support inclusion in the settlement in relation to Germany of provisions to facilitate transit and communication without customs duties or charges between Salzburg and Lofer (Salzburg) across the Reichenhall-Steinpass and between Scharnitz (Tyrol) and Ehrwald (Tyrol) via Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

Article 33 Scope of Application

The Articles entitled “United Nations Property in Austria” and “General Economic Relations” of the present Treaty shall apply to the Allied and Associat­ed Powers and to those of the United Nations which had that status on 8th May, 1945, and whose diplomatic relations with Germany were broken off during the period between 1st September, 1939 and 1st January, 1945.


Article 34 Heads of Mission

1.   For a period not to exceed eighteen months from the coming into force of the present Treaty, the Heads of the Diplomatic Missions in Vienna of the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and France, acting in concert, will represent the Allied and Associated Powers in dealing with the Government of Austria in all matters concerning the execution and interpretation of the present Treaty.

2.   The Four Heads of Mission will give the Government of Austria such guidance, technical advice and clarification as may be necessary to ensure the rapid and efficient execution of the present Treaty both in letter and in spirit.

3.   The Government of Austria shall afford to the said Four Heads of Mission all necessary information and any assistance which they may require in the fulfillment of the tasks devolving on them under the present Treaty.

Article 35 Interpretation of the Treaty

1. Except where another procedure is specifically provided under any Article of the present Treaty, any dispute concerning the interpretation or execution of the Treaty which is not settled by direct diplomatic negotiations

shall be referred to the Four Heads of Mission acting under Article 34, except that in this case the Heads of Mission will not be restricted by the time limit provided in that Article. Any such dispute not resolved by them within a period of two months shall, unless the parties to the dispute mutually agree upon another means of settlement, be referred at the request of either party to the dispute to a Commision composed of one representative of each party and a third member selected by mutual agreement of the two parties from nationals of a third country. Should the two parties fail to agree within a period of one month upon the appointment of the third member, the Secretary- General of the United Nations may be requested by either party to make the appointment.

2. The decision of the majority of the members of the Commission shall be the decision of the Commission, and shall be accepted by the parties as definitive and binding.

Article 36 Force of Annexes

The provisions of the Annexes shall have force and effect as integral parts of the present Treaty.

Article 37 Accession to the Treaty

1.   Any Member of the United Nations which on 8th May, 1945 was at war with Germany and which then had the status of a United Nation and is not a signatory to the present Treaty, may accede to the Treaty and upon accession shall be deemed to be an Associated Power for the purposes of the Treaty.

2.   Instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and shall take effect upon deposit.

Article 38 Ratification of the Treaty

1. The present Treaty, of which the Russian, English, French and German texts are authentic, shall be ratified. It shall come into force immediately upon deposit of instruments of ratification by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, by the United States of America, and by France of the one part and by Austria of the other part. The instruments of ratification shall, in the shortest time

possible, be deposited with the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

2. With respect to each Allied and Associated Power whose instrument of ratification is thereafter deposited, the Treaty shall come into force upon the date of deposit. The present Treaty shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which shall furnish certified copies to each of the signatory and acceding States.

B Y^OCTOBEPEHHE ^lEFO hh>KenofliiHcaBiiiHecH IIojiHOMoqHbie Ilpefl- CTaBHTejM noflimcajm HacroHiiuiii JJoroBop h npnno>khjih k HeMy cboh neqara.

COBEPIIIEHO b ropofle BeHa Ha pyccnoM, aurjuiHCKOM> 4>paHL^3CKOM h HeMeuKOM H3biKax 15 Man 1955 ro^a.

In faith whereof the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and have affixed thereto their seals.

Done in the city of Vienna in the Russian, English, French and German languages this day of May 15, 1955.

En foi de quoi les plenipotentiaires soussignes ont appose leurs signatures et leurs cachets au bas du present Traite.

Fait en la ville de Vienne, le 15 mai 1955 en langue russe, anglaise, fran- ?aise et allemande.

Zu Urkund dessen haben die unterzeichneten Bevollmachtigten den vorliegenden Vertrag unterzeichnet und mit ihren Siegeln versehen.

Geschehen in der Stadt Wien in russischer, englischer, franzosischer und deutscher Sprache am 15. Mai 1955.

V. M. Molotov

1.1. Ilichev

Harold MacMillan

Geoffrey Wallinger

John Foster Dulles

Llewelyn E. Thompson

Ant. Pinay

R. Lalouette

Leopold Figl



The term “war materiel” as used in the present Treaty shall include all arms, ammunition and implements specially designed or adapted for use in war as listed below.

The Allied and Associated Powers reserve the right to amend the list periodically by modification or addition in the light of subsequent scientific development.

Category I

1.   Military rifles, carbines, revolvers and pistols; barrels for these weapons and other spare parts not readily adaptable for civilian use.

2.   Machine guns, military automatic or autoloading rifles, and machine-pistols; barrels for these weapons and other spare parts not readily adaptable for civilian use; machine gun mounts.

3.   Guns, howitzers, mortars (minenwerfer), cannon special to aircraft, breechless or recoilless guns and flamethrowers; barrels and other spare parts not readily adaptable for civilian use; carriages and mountings for the foregoing.

4.   Rocket projectors; launching and control mechanisms for self-propelling and guided missiles and projectiles; mountings for same.

5.  Self-propelling and guided missiles, projectiles, rockets, fixed ammunition and cartridges, filled or unfilled, for the arms listed in sub-paragraphs 1-4 above, and fuses, tubes or contrivances to explode or operate them. Fuses required for civilian use are not included.

6.  Grenades, bombs, torpedoes, mines, depth charges and incendiary materials or charges, filled or unfilled; all means for exploding or operating them. Fuses required for civilian use are not included.

7.  Bayonets.

Category II

1.  Armoured fighting vehicles; armoured trains, not technically convertible to civilian use.

2.  Mechanical and self-propelled carriages for any of the weapons listed in Category I; special type military chassis or bodies other than those enumerated in sub­paragraph 1 above.

3.  Armour plate, greater than three inches in thickness, used for protective purposes in warfare.

Category III

1.  Aiming and computing devices for the preparation and control of fire, including predictors and plotting apparatus, for fire control; direction of fire instruments; gun sights; bomb sights; fuse setters; equipment for the calibration of guns and fire control instruments.

2.  Assault bridging, assault boats and storm boats.

3.  Deceptive warfare, dazzle and decoy devices.

4.  Personal war equipment of a specialized nature not readily adaptable to civilian


Category IV

1.  Warships of all kinds, including converted vessels and craft designed or intended for their attendance or support, which cannot be technically reconverted to civilian use, as well as weapons, armour, ammunition, aircraft and all other equipment, material, ma­chines and installations not used in peace time on ships other than warships.

2.  Landing craft and amphibious vehicles or equipment of any kind; assault boats or devices of any type as well as catapults or other apparatus for launching or throwing aircraft, rockets, propelled weapons or any other missile, instruments or devices whether manned or unmanned, guided or uncontrolled.

3.  Submersible or semi-submersible ships, craft, weapons, devices, or apparatus of any kind, including specially designed harbor defense booms, except as required by salvage, rescue or other civilian uses, as well as all equipments, accessories, spare parts, experimental or training aids, instruments or installations as may be specially designed for the construction, testing, maintenance or housing of the same.

Category V

1.  Aircraft assembled or unassembled, both heavier and lighter than air, which are designed or adapted for aerial combat by the use of machine guns, rocket projectors or artillery, or for the carrying and dropping of bombs, or which are equipped with, or which by reason of their design or construction are prepared for, any of the appliances referred to in sub-paragraph 2 below.

2. Aerial gun mounts and frames, bomb racks, torpedo carriers and bomb release or torpedo release mechanisms; gun turrets and blisters.

3. Equipment specially designed for and used solely by airborne troops.

4.  Catapults or launching apparatus for shipborne, land-or-sea-based aircraft; apparatus for launching aircraft weapons.

5.  Barrage balloons.

Category VI

Asphyxiating, vesicant, lethal, toxic or incapacitating substances intended for war purposes, or manufactured in excess of civilian requirements.

Category VII

Propellants, explosives, pyrotechnics or liquified gases destined for propulsion, explosion, charging, or filling of, or for use in connection with, the war materiel in the present categories, not capable of civilian use or manufactured in excess of civilian require­ments.

Category VIII

Factory and tool equipment specially designed for the production and maintenance of the materiel enumerated above and not technically convertible to civilian use.


Having regard to the arrangements made between the Soviet Union and Austria, and recorded in the Memorandum signed at Moscow on April 15, 1955, Article 22 of the present Treaty shall have effect subject to the following provisions :

1.  On the basis of the pertinent economic provisions of the April 15, 1955 arrange­ments between the Soviet Union and Austria, the Soviet Union will transfer to Austria within two months from the date of entry into force of the present Treaty, all property, rights and interests to be retained or received by it in accordance with Article 22, except the Danube Shipping Company (D.D.S.G.) assets in Hungary, Roumania and Bulgaria.

2.  It is agreed that in respect of any property, right or interest transferred to Austria in accordance with this Annex, Austria’s rights shall be limited only in the manner set out in paragraph 13 of Article 22.

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Chinese Journal of International Law - Volume 23, Issue 4, December 2024

Chinese Journal of International Law – Volume 23, Issue 4, December 2024

Chinese Journal of International Law Volume 23, Issue 4, December 2024 ISSN: 1540-1650, EISSN: 1746-9937 …