Categorías: Treaties

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Convention


NOTING the coastal States of the Northwest Atlantic have, in accordance with relevant principals of international law, extended their jurisdic­tion over the living resources of their adjacent waters to limits of up to two hundred nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured, and exercise within these areas sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing these resources;

TAKING into account the work of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea in the field of fisheries;

DESIRING to promote the conservation and optimum utilization of the fishery resources of the Northwest Atlantic area within a framework appropriate to the regime of extended Coastal State jurisdiction over fisheries, and accordingly to encourage international cooperation and consultation with respect to these resources;

HAVE AGREED as follows:

Article I

1.   The area to which this Convention applies, hereinafter referred to as “the Convention Area”, shall be the waters of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean north of 35°00′ north latitude and west of a line extending due north from 35°00′ north latitude and 42°00′ west longitude to 59°00′ north latitude, thence due west to 44°00′ west longitude, and thence due north to the coast of Greenland, and the waters of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Davis Strait and Baffin Bay south of 78°10′ north latitude.

2.   The area referred to in this Convention as “the Regulatory Area” is that part of the Convention Area which lies beyond the areas in which Coastal States exercise fisheries jurisdiction.

3.   For the purposes of this Convention, “Coastal State” shall hereinafter mean a Contracting Party exercising fisheries jurisdiction in waters forming part of the Convention Area.

4.   This Convention applies to all fishery resources of the Con­vention Area, with the following exceptions: salmon, tunas and marlins, cetacean stocks managed by the International Whaling Commission or any successor organization, and sedentary species of the Continental Shelf, i.e., organisms which, at the harvestable stage, either are immobile on or under the seabed or are unable to move except in constant physical contact with the seabed or the subsoil.

5.   Nothing in this Convention shall be deemed to affect or preju­dice the positions or claims of any Contracting Party in regard to internal waters, the territorial sea, or the limits or extent of the jurisdiction of any Party over fisheries; or to affect or prejudice the views or positions of any Contracting Party with respect to the law of the sea.

Article II

1.   The Contracting Parties agree to establish and maintain an international organization whose object shall be to contribute through consultation and cooperation to the optimum utilization, rational manage­ment and conservation of the fishery resources of the Convention Area. This organization shall be known as the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, hereinafter referred to as “the Organization”, and shall carry out the functions set forth in this Convention.

2.   The Organization shall consist of:

a)               a General Council;

b)               a Scientific Council;

c)               a Fisheries Commission; and

d)               a Secretariat.

3.   The Organization shall have legal personality and shall enjoy in its relations with other international organizations and in the territories of the Contracting Parties such legal capacity as may be necessary to perform its functions and achieve its ends. The immunities and privileges which the Organization and its officers shall enjoy in the territory of a Contracting Party shall be subj ect to agreement between the Organization and the Contracting Party concerned.

4.   The headquarters of the Organization shall be at Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, or at such other place as may be decided by the General Council.

Article III

The functions of the General Council shall be:

a)   to supervise and coordinate the organizational, administrative, financial and other internal affairs of the Organization, including the relations among its constituent bodies;

b)   to coordinate the external relations of the Organization;

c)   to review and determine the membership of the Fisheries Com­mission pursuant to Article XIII; and

d)   to exercise such other authority as is conferred upon it by this Convention.

Article IV

1.   Each Contracting Party shall be a member of the General Coun­cil and shall appoint to the Council not more than three representatives who may be accompanied at any of its meetings by alternates, experts and advisers.

2.   The General Council shall elect a Chairman and a Vice- Chairman, each of whom shall serve for a term of two years and shall be eligible for re-election but shall not serve for more than four years in succession. The Chairman shall be a representative of a Contracting Party that is a member of the Fisheries Commission and the Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be representatives of different Contracting Parties.

3.   The Chairman shall be the President of the Organization and shall be its principal representative.

4.   The Chairman of the General Council shall convene a regular annual meeting of the Organization at a place decided upon by the General Council and which shall normally be in North America.

5.   Any meeting of the General Council, other than the annual meeting; may be called by the Chairman at such time and place as the Chairman may determine, upon the request of a Contracting Party with the concurrence of another Contracting Party.

6.   The General Council may establish such Committees and Subcommittees as it considers desirable for the exercise of its duties and functions.

Article V

1.   Each Contracting Party shall have one vote in proceedings of the General Council.

2.   Except where otherwise provided, decisions of the General Council shall be taken by a majority of the votes of all Contracting Par­ties present and casting affirmative or negative votes, provided that no vote shall be taken unless there is a quorum of at least two-thirds of the Contracting Parties.

3.   The General Council shall adopt, and amend as occasion may require, rules for the conduct of its meetings and for the exercise of its functions.

4.   The General Council shall submit to the Contracting Parties an annual report of the activities of the Organization.

Article VI

1.   The functions of the Scientific Council shall be:

a)   to provide a forum for consultation and cooperation among the Contracting Parties with respect to
the study, appraisal and exchange of scientific information and views relating to the fisheries of the Convention Area, including environmental and ecological factors affecting these fisheries, and to encourage and promote cooperation among the Contracting Parties in scientific research designed to fill gaps in knowledge pertaining to these matters;

b)   to compile and maintain statistics and records and to publish or disseminate reports, information and materials pertaining to the fisheries of the Convention Area, including environmental and ecological factors affecting these fisheries;

c)   to provide scientific advice to coastal States, where requested to do so pursuant to Article VII; and

d)   to provide scientific advice to the Fisheries Commission, pursu­ant to Article VIII or on its own initiative as required for the purposes of the Commission.

2.   The functions of the Scientific Council may, where appropriate, be carried out in cooperation with other public or private organizations having related objectives.

3. The Contracting Parties shall furnish to the Scientific Council any available statistical and scientific information requested by the Council for the purpose of this Article.

Article VII

1.   The Scientific Council shall, at the request of a Coastal State, consider and report on any question pertaining to the scientific basis for the management and conservation of fishery resources in waters under the fisheries jurisdiction of that Coastal State within the Convention Area.

2.   The Coastal State shall, in consultation with the Scientific Council, specify terms of reference for the consideration of any question referred to the Council pursuant to paragraph 1. These terms of reference shall include, along with any other matters deemed appropriate, such of the following as are applicable:

a)   a statement of the question referred, including a description of the fisheries and area to be considered;

b)   where scientific estimates or predictions are sought, a descrip­tion of any relevant factors or assumptions to be taken into account; and

c)   where applicable, a description of any objectives the Coastal State is seeking to attain and an indication of whether specific advice or a range of options should be provided.

Article VIII

The Scientific Council shall consider and report on any question referred to it by the Fisheries Commission pertaining to the scientific basis for the management and conservation of fishery resources within the Regulatory Area and shall take into account the terms of reference specified by the Fisheries Commission in respect of that question.

Article IX

1.   Each Contracting Party shall be a member of the Scientific Council and shall appoint to the Council its own representatives who may be accompanied at any of its meetings by alternates, experts and advisers.

2.   The Scientific Council shall elect a Chairman and a Vice- Chairman, each of whom shall serve for a term of two years and shall be eligible for re-election but shall not serve for more than four years in

succession. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be representatives of different Contracting Parties.

3.   Any meeting of the Scientific Council, other than the annual meeting convened pursuant to Article IV, may be called by the Chairman at such time and place as the Chairman may determine, upon the request of a Coastal State or upon the request of a Contracting Party with the concurrence of another Contracting Party.

4.   The Scientific Council may establish such Committees and Subcommittees as it considers desirable for the exercise of its duties and functions.

Article X

1.   Scientific advice to be provided by the Scientific Council pursuant to this Convention shall be determined by consensus. Where consensus cannot be achieved, the Council shall set out in its report all views advanced on the matter under consideration.

2.   Decisions of the Scientific Council with respect to the election of officers, the adoption and the amendment of rules and other matters pertaining to the organization of its work shall be taken by a majority of the votes of all Contracting Parties present and casting affirmative or negative votes, and for these purposes each Contracting Party shall have one vote. No vote shall be taken unless there is a quorum of at least two- thirds of the Contracting Parties.

3.   The Scientific Council shall adopt, and amend as occasion may require, rules for the conduct of its meetings and for the exercise of its functions.

Article XI

1.   The Fisheries Commission, hereinafter referred to as “the Commission”, shall be responsible for the management and conservation of the fishery resources of the Regulatory Area in accordance with the provisions of this Article.

2.   The Commission may adopt proposals for joint action by the Contracting Parties designed to achieve the optimum utilization of the fishery resources of the Regulatory Area. In considering such propos­als, the Commission shall take into account any relevant information or advice provided to it by the Scientific Council.

3.   In the exercise of its functions under paragraph 2, the Commis­sion shall seek to ensure consistency between:

a)   any proposal that applies to a stock or group of stocks occurring both within the Regulatory Area and within an area under the fisheries jurisdiction of a Coastal State, or any proposal that would have an effect through species interrelationships on a stock or group of stocks occurring in whole or in part within an area under the fisheries jurisdiction of a Coastal State; and

b)   any measures or decisions taken by the coastal State for the management and conservation of that stock or group of stocks with respect to fishing activities conducted within the area under its fisheries jurisdiction.

The appropriate Coastal State and the Commission shall accordingly promote the coordination of such proposals, measures and decisions. Each Coastal State shall keep the Commission informed of its measures and decisions for the purpose of this Article.

4.   Proposals adopted by the Commission for the allocation of catches in the Regulatory Area shall take into account the interests of Commission members whose vessels have traditionally fished within that Area, and, in the allocation of catches from the Grand Bank and Flemish Cap, Commission members shall give special consideration to the Contracting Party whose coastal communities are primarily depend­ent on fishing for stocks related to these fishing banks and which has undertaken extensive efforts to ensure the conservation of such stocks through international action, in particular, by providing surveillance and inspection of international fisheries on these banks under an international scheme of joint enforcement.

5.   The Commission may also adopt proposals for international measures of control and enforcement within the Regulatory Area for the purpose of ensuring within that Area the application of this Convention and the measures in forc
e thereunder.

6.   Each proposal adopted by the Commission shall be transmitted by the Executive Secretary to all Contracting Parties, specifying the date of transmittal for the purposes of paragraph 1 of Article XII.

7.   Subject to the provisions of Article XII, each proposal adopted by the Commission under this Article shall become a measure binding

on all Contracting Parties to enter into force on a date determined by the Commission.

8.   The Commission may refer to the Scientific Council any ques­tion pertaining to the scientific basis for the management and conservation of fishery resources within the Regulatory Area and shall specify terms of reference for the consideration of that question.

9.   The Commission may invite the attention of any or all Commis­sion members to any matters which relate to the objectives and purposes of this Convention within the Regulatory Area.

Article XII

1.   If any Commission member presents to the Executive Secretary an objection to a proposal within sixty days of the date of transmittal specified in the notification of the proposal by the Executive Secretary, the proposal shall not become a binding measure until the expiration of forty days following the date of transmittal specified in the notification of that objection to the Contracting Parties. There upon any other Commission member may similarly object prior to the expiration of the additional forty day period, or within thirty days after the date of transmittal specified in the notification to the Contracting Parties of any objection presented within that additional forty-day period, whichever shall be the later. The proposal shall then become a measure binding on all Contracting Parties, except those which have presented objections, at the end of the extended period or periods for objecting. If, however, at the end of such extended period or periods, objections have been presented and maintained by a majority of Commission members, the proposal shall not become a bind­ing measure, unless any or all of the Commission members nevertheless agree as among themselves to be bound by it on an agreed date.

2.   Any Commission member which has objected to a proposal may at any time withdraw that objection and the proposal immediately shall become a measure binding on such a member, subject to the objection procedure provided for in this Article.

3.   At any time after the expiration of one year from the date on which a measure enters into force, any Commission member may give to the Executive Secretary notice of its intention not to be bound by the measure, and, if that notice is not withdrawn, the measure shall cease to be binding on that member at the end of one year from the date of receipt of the notice by the Executive Secretary. At any time after a measure has

ceased to be binding on a Commission member under this paragraph, the measure shall cease to be binding on any other Commission member upon the date a notice of its intention not to be bound is received by the Executive Secretary.

4. The Executive Secretary shall immediately notify each Con­tracting Party of:

a)   the receipt of each obj ection and withdrawal of obj ection under paragraphs 1 and 2;

b)   the date on which any proposal becomes a binding measure under the provisions of paragraph 1; and

c)   the receipt of each notice under paragraph 3.

Article XIII

1.   The membership of the Commission shall be reviewed and determined by the General Council at its annual meeting and shall consist of:

a)   each Contracting Party which participates in the fisheries of the Regulatory Area; and

b)   any Contracting Party which has provided evidence satisfac­tory to the General Council that it expects to participate in the fisheries of the Regulatory Area during the year of that annual meeting or during the following calendar year.

2.   Each Commission member shall appoint to the Commission not more than three representatives who may be accompanied at any of its meetings by alternates, experts and advisers.

3.   Any Contracting Party that is not a Commission member may attend meetings of the Commission as an observer.

4.   The Commission shall elect a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman, each of whom shall serve for a term of two years and shall be eligible for re-election but shall not serve for more than four years in succession. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be representatives of different Commission members.

5.   Any meeting of the Commission, other than the annual meeting convened pursuant to Article IV, may be called by the Chairman at such

time and place as the Chairman may determine, upon the request of any Commission member.

6. The Commission may establish such Committees and Sub­committees as it considers desirable for the exercise of its duties and functions.

Article XIV

1.   Each Commission member shall have one vote in proceedings of the Commission.

2.   Decisions of the Commission shall be taken by a majority of the votes of all Commission members present and casting affirmative or negative votes, provided that no vote shall be taken unless there is a quorum of at least two-thirds of the Commission members.

3.   The Commission shall adopt, and amend as occasion may require, rules for the conduct of its meetings and for the exercise of its functions.

Article XV

1.   The Secretariat shall provide services to the Organization in the exercise of its duties and functions.

2.   The chief administrative officer of the Secretariat shall be the Executive Secretary, who shall be appointed by the General Council according to such procedures and on such terms as it may determine.

3.   The staff of the Secretariat shall be appointed by the Execu­tive Secretary in accordance with such rules and procedures as may be determined by the General Council.

4.   The Executive Secretary shall, subj ect to the general supervision of the General Council, have full power and authority over staff of the Secretariat and shall perform such other functions as the General Council shall prescribe.

Article XVI

1. Each Contracting Party shall pay the expenses of its own del­egation to all meetings held pursuant to this Convention.

2.   The General Council shall adopt an annual budget for the Organization.

3.   The General Council shall establish the contributions due from each Contracting Party under the annual budget on the following basis:

a)   10% of the budget shall be divided among the Coastal States in proportion to their nominal catches in the Convention Area in the year ending two years before the beginning of the budget year;

b)   30% of the budget shall be divided equally among all the Contracting Parties; and

c)   60% of the budget shall be divided among all Contra
cting Parties in proportion to their nominal catches in the Convention Area in the year ending two years before the beginning of the budget year.

The nominal catches referred to above shall be the reported catches of the species listed in Annex I, which forms an integral part of this Convention.

4.   The Executive Secretary shall notify each Contracting Party of the contribution due from that Party as calculated under paragraph 3, and as soon as possible thereafter each Contracting Party shall pay to the Organization its contribution.

5.   Contributions shall be payable in the currency of the country in which the headquarters of the Organization is located, except if otherwise authorized by the General Council.

6.   Subject to paragraph 11, the General Council shall, at its first meeting, approve a budget for the balance of the first financial year in which the Organization functions and the Executive Secretary shall transmit to the Contracting Parties copies of that budget together with notices of their respective contributions.

7.   For subsequent financial years, drafts of the annual budget shall be submitted by the Executive Secretary to each Contracting Party together with a schedule of contributions, not less than sixty days before the annual meeting of the Organization at which the budgets are to be considered.

8.  A Contracting Party acceding to this Convention during the course of a financial year shall contribute in respect of that year a part

of the contribution calculated in accordance with the provisions of this Article that is proportional to the number of complete months remain­ing in the year.

9.  A Contracting Party which has not paid its contributions for two consecutive years shall not enjoy any right of casting votes and present­ing objections under this Convention until it has fulfilled its obligations, unless the General Council decides otherwise.

10.  The financial affairs of the Organization shall be audited an­nually by external auditors to be selected by the General Council.

11.  If the Convention enters into force on 1 January 1979, the provisions of Annex II, which forms an integral part of this Convention, shall apply in place of the provisions of paragraph 6.

Article XVII

The Contracting Parties agree to take such action, including the imposition of adequate sanctions for violations, as may be necessary to make effective the provisions of the Convention and to implement any measures which become binding under paragraph 7 of Article XI and any measures which are in force under Article XXIII. Each Contracting Party shall transmit to the Commission an annual statement of the actions taken by it for these purposes.

Article XVIII

The Contracting Parties agree to maintain in force and to implement within the Regulatory Area a scheme of joint international enforcement as applicable pursuant to Article XXIII or as modified by measures referred to in paragraph 5 of Article XI. This scheme shall include provision for reciprocal rights of boarding and inspection by the Contracting Parties and for flag State prosecution and sanctions on the basis of evidence resulting from such boardings and inspections. A report of such prosecu­tions and sanctions imposed shall be included in the annual statement referred to in Article XVII.

Article XIX

The Contracting Parties agree to invite the attention of any State not a Party to this Convention to any matter relating to the fishing activities in the Regulatory Area of the nationals or vessels of that State which appear to affect adversely the attainment of the objectives of this Convention.

The Contracting Parties further agree to confer when appropriate upon the steps to be taken towards obviating such adverse effects.

Article XX

1.   The Convention Area shall be divided into scientific and statisti­cal subareas, divisions and subdivisions, the boundaries of which shall be those defined in Annex III to this Convention.

2.    On the request of the Scientific Council, the General Council may by a two-thirds majority vote of all Contracting Parties, if deemed necessary for scientific or statistical purposes, modify the boundaries of the scientific and statistical subareas, divisions and subdivisions set out in Annex III, provided that each coastal State exercising fisheries jurisdiction in any part of the area affected concurs in such action.

3.   On the request of the Fisheries Commission and after having consulted the Scientific Council, the General Council may by a two-thirds majority vote of all Contracting Parties, if deemed necessary for manage­ment purposes, divide the Regulatory Area into appropriate regulatory divisions and subdivisions. These may subsequently be modified in ac­cordance with the same procedure. The boundaries of any such divisions and subdivisions shall be defined in Annex III.

4.   Annex III to this Convention, either in its present terms or as modified from time to time pursuant to this Article, forms an integral part of this Convention.

Article XXI

1.   Any Contracting Party may propose amendments to this Con­vention to be considered and acted upon by the General Council at an annual or a special meeting. Any such proposed amendment shall be sent to the Executive Secretary at least ninety days prior to the meeting at which it is proposed to be acted upon, and the Executive Secretary shall immediately transmit the proposal to all Contracting Parties.

2.   The adoption of a proposed amendment to the Convention by the General Council shall require a three-fourth majority of the votes of all Contracting Parties. The text of any proposed amendments so adopted shall be transmitted by the Depositary to all Contracting Parties.

3.   An amendment shall take effect for all Contracting Parties one hundred and twenty days following the date of transmittal specified in the notification by the Depositary of receipt of written notification of

approval by three-fourths of all Contracting Parties unless any other Contracting Party notifies the Depositary that it objects to the amendment within ninety days of the date of transmittal specified in the notification by the Depositary of such receipt, in which case the amendment shall not take effect for any Contracting Party. Any Contracting Party which has objected to an amendment may at any time withdraw that objection. If all objections to an amendment are withdrawn, the amendment shall take effect for all Contracting Parties one hundred and twenty days following the date of transmittal specified in the notification by the Depositary of receipt of the last withdrawal.

4.   Any Party which becomes a Contracting Party to the Conven­tion after an amendment has been adopted in accordance with paragraph 2 shall be deemed to have approved the said amendment.

5.   The Depositary shall promptly notify all Contracting Parties of the receipt of notifications of approval of amendments, the receipt of notifications of objection or withdrawal of objections, and the entry into force of amendments.

Article XXII

1.   This Conventio
n shall be open for signature at Ottawa until 31 December 1978, by the Parties represented at the Diplomatic Confer­ence on the Future of Multilateral Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries, held at Ottawa from 11 to 21 October 1977. It shall thereafter be open for accession.

2.   This Convention shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the Signatories and the instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Government of Canada, referred to in this Convention as “the Depositary”.

3.   This Convention shall enter into force upon the first day of January following the deposit of instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval by not less than six Signatories; at least one of which exercises fisheries jurisdiction in waters forming part of the Convention Area.

4.   Any party which has not signed this Convention may accede thereto by a notification in writing to the Depositary. Accessions received by the Depositary prior to the date of entry into force of this Convention shall become effective on the date this Convention enters into force. Ac­cessions received by the Depositary after the date of entry into force

of this Convention shall become effective on the date of receipt by the Depositary.

5.   The Depositary shall inform all Signatories and all Contract­ing Parties of all ratifications, acceptances or approvals deposited and accessions received.

6.   The Depositary shall convene the initial meeting of the Or­ganization to be held not more than six months after the coming into force of the Convention, and shall communicate the provisional agenda to each Contracting Party not less than one month before the date of the meeting.

Article XXIII

Upon the entry into force of this Convention, each proposal that has been transmitted or is effective at that time under Article VIII of the International Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries, 1949, (“the ICNAF Convention”) shall, subject to the provisions of the ICNAF Convention, become a measure binding on each Contracting Party with respect to the Regulatory Area immediately, if the proposal has become effective under the ICNAF Convention, or at such time as it becomes effective thereunder. Subject to paragraph 3 of Article XII of this Con­vention, each such measure shall remain binding on each Contracting Party, until such time as it expires or is replaced by a measure which has become binding pursuant to Article XI of this Convention; provided that no such replacement shall take effect before this Convention has been in force for one year.

Article XXIV

1.   Any Contracting Party may withdraw from the Convention on 31 December of any year by giving notice on or before the preceding 30 June to the Depositary, which shall communicate copies of such notice to other Contracting Parties.

2.   Any other Contracting Party may thereupon withdraw from the Convention on the same 31 December by giving notice to the Depositary within one month of the receipt of a copy of a notice of withdrawal given pursuant to paragraph 1.

Article XXV

1.   The original of the present Convention shall be deposited with the Government of Canada, which shall communicate certified copies thereof to all the Signatories and to all the Contracting Parties.

2.   The Depositary shall register the present Convention with the Secretariat of the United Nations.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Convention.

DONE at Ottawa, this 24th day of October, 1978, in a single original, in the English and French languages, each text being equally authentic.













The Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs certifies that this is a true copy of the original deposited in the Treaty Archives of the Government of Canada.

Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs

Annex I to the Convention – List of Species for the Determination of the Nominal Catches to be Used in Calculating the Annual Budget Pursuant to Article XVI

Atlantic cod…………………………………………………………. Gadus morhua

Haddock………………………………………………. Melanogrammus aeglefinus

Atlantic redfish…………………………………………………. Sebastes marinus

Silver hake………………………………………………….. Merluccius bilinearis

Red hake…………………………………………………………… Urophycis chuss

Pollock…………………………………………………………….. Pollachius virens

American plaice …………………………………. Hippoglossoides platessoides

Witch flounder……………………………………… Glyptocephalus cynoglossus

Yellowtail flounder………………………………………… Limanda ferruginea

Greenland halibut……………………………… Reinhardtius hippoglossoides

Roundnose grenadier…………………………………. Macrourus rupestris

Atlantic herring…………………………………………………. Clupea harengus

Atlantic mackerel…………………………………………… Scomber scombrus

Atlantic butterfish………………………………………….. Peprilus triacanthus

River herring (alewife)………………………………. Alosa pseudoharengus

Atlantic argentine……………………………………………….. Argentina silus

Capelin……………………………………………………………. Mallotus villosus

Long-finned squid…………………………………………………. Loligo pealei

Short-finned squid……………………………………………. Illex illecebrosus

Shrimps………………………………………………………………… Pandalus sp.

Annex II to the Convention – Transitional Financial Arrangements

1.   A Contracting Party which is also a Contracting Party to the International Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisher
ies throughout the year 1979 shall not contribute to the expenses of the Organization in that year. Other Contracting Parties which have deposited their instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval or acceded to the Convention before 31 December 1979 shall contribute the amount indicated in the Appendix hereto. The contribution of any Contracting Party not included in the Appendix shall be determined by the General Council.

2.   The contributions due pursuant to paragraph 1 shall be paid by each Contract­ing Party as soon as possible after 1 January 1979 or after its accession to the Conven­tion, whichever is later.

Appendix to Annex II to the Convention

Contracting Party                                                  Contribution for 1979

BULGARIA…………………………………………………………….. $ 16 325

CANADA…………………………………………………………………… 82 852

CUBA………………………………………………………………………… 20 211

DENMARK (FAROE ISLANDS) …………………………….       6 473



ICELAND………………………………………………………………….. 12 293

JAPAN ……………………………………………………………………… 16 697

NORWAY………………………………………………………………..     21 107

POLAND ………………………………………………………………..     29 316

PORTUGAL…………………………………………………………….     22 716

ROMANIA……………………………………………………………….     15 472

SPAIN ……………………………………………………………………     26 224


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA…………………………….     29 947

Annex III to the Convention – Scientific and Statistical Subareas, Divisions and Subdivisions

The scientific and statistical subareas, divisions and subdivisions provided for by Article XX of this Convention shall be as follows:

1(a) Subarea 0

That portion of the Convention Area bounded on the south by a line extending due east from a point at 61°00′ north latitude and 65°00′ west longitude to a point at 61°00′ north latitude and 59°00′ west longitude, thence in a south­easterly direction along a rhumb line to a point at 60°12′ north latitude and 57°13′ west longitude; thence bounded on the east by a series of geodisic lines joining the following points:

Point No.










8 9

10 11 12








20 21 22






28 29

60°12’0 61°00’0 62°00’5 62°02’3 62°03’5 62°11’5 62°47’2 63°22’8 63°28’6 63°35’0 63°37’2 63°44’1 63°50’1 63°52’6 63°57’4 64°04’3 64°12’2 65°06’0 65°08’9 65°11’6 65°14’5 65°18’1 65°23’3 65°34’8 65°37’7 65°50’9 65°51’7 65°57’6 66°03’5

57°13’0 57°13’1 57°21’1 57°21’8 57°22’2 57°25’4 57°41’0 57°57’4 57°59’7 58°02’0 58°01’2 57°58’8 57°57’2 57°56’6 57°53’5 57°49’1 57°48’2 57°44’1 57°43’9 57°44’4 57°45’1 57°45’8 57°44’9 57°42’3 57°41’9 57°40’7 57°40’6 57°40’1 57°39’6

Point No.



30 66°12’9 57°38’2
31 66°18’8 57°37’8
32 66°24’6 57°37’8
33 66°30’3 57°38’3
34 66°36’1 57°39’2
35 66°37’9 57°39’6
36 66°41’8 57°40’6
37 66°49’5 57°43’0
38 67°21’6 57°52’7
39 67°27’3 57°54’9
40 67°28’3 57°55’3
41 67°29’1 57°56’1
42 67°30’7 57°57’8
43 67°35’3 58°02’2
44 67°39’7 58°06’2
45 67°44’2 58°09’9
46 67°56’9 58°19’8
47 68°01’8 58°23’3
48 68°04’3 58°25’0
49 68°06’8 58°26’7
50 68°07’5 58°27’2
51 68°16’1 58°34’1
52d> 68°21’7 58°39’0
53 68°25’3 58°42’4
54 68°32’9 59°01’8
55 68°34’0 59°04’6
56 68°37’9 59°14’3
57 68°38’0 59°14’6
58 68°56’8 60°02’4
59 69°00’8 60°09’0
60 69°06’8 60°18’5
61 69°10’3 60°23’8
62 69°12’8 60°27’5
63 69°29’4 60°51’6
64 69°49’8 60°58’2
65 69°55’3 60°59’6
66 69°55’8 61°00’0
67 70°01’6 61°04’2
68 70°07’5 61°08’1
69 70°08’8 61°08’8
70 70°13’4 61°10’6
71 70°33’1 61°17’4

Point No.



72 70°35’6 61°20’6
73 70°48’2 61°37’9
74 70°51’8 61°42’7
75 71°12’1 62°09’1
76 71°18’9 62°17’5
77 71°25’9 62°25’5
78 71°29’4 62°29’3
79 71°31’8 62°32’0
80 71°32’9 62°33’5
81 71°44’7 62°49’6
82 71°47’3 62°53’1
83 71°52’9 63°03’9
84 72°01’7 63°21’1
85 72°06’4 63°30’9
86 72°11’0 63°41’0
87 72°24’8 64°13’2
88 72°30’5 64°26’1
89 72°36’3 64°38’8
90 72°43’7 64°54’3
91 72°45’7 64°58’4
92 72°47’7 65°00’9
93 72°50’8 65°07’6
94 73°18’5 66°08’3
95 73°25’9 66°25’3
96 73°31’1 67°15’1
97 73°36’5 68°05’5
98 73°37’9 68°12’3
99 73°41’7 68°29’4
100 73°46’1 68°48’5
101 73°46’7 68°51’1
102 73°52’3 69°11’3
103 73°57’6 69°31’5
104 74°02’2 69°50’3
105 74°02’6 69°52’0
106 74°06’1 70°06’6
107 74°07’5 70°12’5
108 74°10’0 70°23’1
109 74°12’5 70°33’7
110 74°24’0 71°25’7
111 74°28’6 71°45’8
112 74°44’2 72°53’0
113 74°50’6 73°02’8

Point No.





75°00’0 75°05′

73°16’3 73°30′

and thence due north to the parallel of 78°10′ north latitude; and bounded on the west by a line beginning at 61 °00′ north latitude and 65°00′ west longitude and extending in a northwesterly direction along a rhumb line to the coast of Baffin Island at East Bluff (61°55′ north latitude and 66°20′ west longitude), and thence in a northerly direction along the coast of Baffin Island, Bylot Island, Devon Island and Ellesmere Island and following the meridian of 80° west longitude in the waters between those islands to 78°10′ north latitude; and bounded on the north by the parallel of 78°10′ north latitude.

1(b) Subarea 0 is composed of two Divisions:

Division 0-A

That portion of the Subarea lying to the north of the parallel of 66°15′ north latitude;

Division 0-B

That portion of the Subarea lying to the south of the parallel of 66°15′ north latitude.

2(a) Subarea 1

That portion of the Convention Area lying to the east of Subarea 0 and to the north and east of a rhumb line joining a point at 60°12′ north latitude and 57°13′ west longitude with a point at 52°15′ north latitude and 42°00′ west longitude.

2(b) Subarea 1 is composed of six Divisions:

Division 1A

That portion of the Subarea lying north of the parallel of 68°50′ north latitude (Christianshaab);

Division 1B

That portion of the Subarea lying between the parallel of 66°15′ north latitude (5 nautical miles north of Umanarsugssuak) and the parallel of 68°50′ north latitude (Christianshaab);

Division 1C

That portion of the Subarea lying between the parallel of 64°15′ north latitude (4 nautical miles north of Godthaab) and the parallel of 66°15′ north latitude (5 nautical miles north of Umanarsugssuak);

Division 1D

That portion of the Subarea lying between the parallel of 62°30′ north latitude (Frederikshaab Glacier) and the parallel of 64°15′ north latitude (4 nautical miles north of Godthaab),

Division 1E

That portion of the Subarea lying between the parallel of 60°45′ north latitude (Cape Desolation) and the parallel of 62°30′ north latitude (Frederikshaab Glacier);

Division 1F

That portion of the Subarea lying south of the parallel of 60°45′ north latitude (Cape Desolation).

3(a) Subarea 2

That portion of the Convention Area lying to the east of the meridian of 64°30′ west longitude in the area of Hudson Strait, to the south of Subarea 0, to the south and west of Subarea 1 and to the north of the parallel of 52°15′ north latitude.

3(b) Subarea 2 is composed of three Divisions:

Division 2G

That portion of the Subarea lying north of the parallel of 57°40′ north latitude (Cape Mugford);

Division 2H

That portion of the Subarea lying between the parallel of 55°20′ north latitude (Hopedale) and the parallel of 57°40′ north latitude (Cape Mugford);

Division 2J

That portion of the Subarea lying south of the parallel of 55°20′ north latitude (Hopedale).

4(a) Subarea 3

That portion of the Convention Area lying south of the parallel of 52°15′ north latitude, and to the east of a line extending due north from Cape Bauld on the north coast of Newfoundland to 52°15′ north latitude; to the north of the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude; and to the east and north of a rhumb line commencing at 39°00′ north latitude, 50°00′ west longitude and extending in a northwesterly direction to pass through a point at 43°30′ north latitude, 55°00′ west longitude in the direction of a point at 47°50′ north latitude, 60°00′ west longitude until it intersects a straight line connecting Cape Ray, 47°37.0′

north latitude; 59°18.0 west longitude on the coast of Newfoundland, with Cape North, 47°02.0′ north latitude; 60°25.0′ west longitude on Cape Breton Island; thence in a northeasterly direction along said line to Cape Ray, 47°37.0′ north latitude, 59°18.0′ west longitude.

4(b) Subarea 3 is composed of six Divisions:

Division 3K

That portion of the Subarea lying north of the parallel of 49°15′ north latitude (Cape Freels, Newfoundland);

Division 3L

That portion of the Subarea lying between the Newfoundland coast from Cape Freels to Cape St. Mary and a line described as follows: beginning at Cape Freels, thence due east to the meridian of 46°30′ west longitude, thence due south to the parallel of 46°00′ north latitude, thence due west to the merid­ian of 54°30′ west longitude, thence along a rhumb line to Cape St. Mary, Newfoundland.

Division 3M

That portion of the Subarea lying south of the parallel of 49°15′ north latitude and east of the meridian of 46°30′ west longitude;

Division 3N

That portion of the Subarea lying south of the parallel of 46°00′ north latitude and between the meridian of 46°30′ west longitude and the meridian of 51 °00′ west longitude;

Division 3O

That portion of the Subarea lying south of the parallel of 46°00′ north latitude and between the meridian of 51 °00′ west longitude and the meridian of 54°30′ west longitude;

Division 3P

That portion of the Subarea lying south of the Newfoundland coast and west of a line from Cape St. Mary, Newfoundland to a point at 46°00′ north latitude, 54°30′ west longitude, thence due south to a limit of the Subarea;

Division 3P is divided into two Subdivisions:

3Pn – Northwestern Subdivision -That portion of Division 3P lying north­west of a line extending from 47°30.7′ north latitude; 57°43.2′ west longitude Newfoundland, approximately southwest to a point at 46°50.7′ north latitude and 58°49.0′ west longitude;

3Ps – Southeastern Subdivision – That portion of Division 3P lying southeast of the line defined for Subdivision 3Pn.

5(a) Subarea 4

That portion of the Convention Area lying north of the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude, to the west of Subarea 3, and to the east of a line described as follows:

beginning at the terminus of the international boundary between the United States of America and Canada in Grand Manan Channel, at a point at 44°46′ 35.346″ north latitude; 66°54′ 11.253″ west longitude; thence due south to the parallel of 43°50′ north latitude; thence due west to the meridian of 67°24’27.24″ west longitude; thence along a geodetic line in a southwesterly direction
to a point at 42°53’14” north latitude and 67°44’35” west longitude; thence along a geodetic line in a southeasterly direction to a point at 42°31 ’08” north latitude and 67°28’05” west longitude; thence along a geodetic line to a point at 42°20′ north latitude and 67°18’13.15″ west longitude;

thence due east to a point in 66°00′ west longitude; thence along a rhumb line in a southeasterly direction to a point at 42°00′ north latitude and 65°40′ west longitude and thence due south to the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude.

5(b) Subarea 4 is composed of six Divisions:

Division 4R

That portion of the Subarea lying between the coast of Newfoundland from Cape Bauld to Cape Ray and a line described as follows: beginning at Cape Bauld, thence due north to the parallel of 52°15′ north latitude, thence due west to the Labrador coast, thence along the Labrador coast to the terminus of the Labrador-Quebec boundary, thence along a rhumb line in a southwesterly direction to a point at 49°25′ north latitude, 60°00′ west longitude, thence due south to a point at 47°50′ north latitude, 60°00′ west longitude, thence along a rhumb line in a southeasterly direction to the point at which the boundary of Subarea 3 intersects the straight line joining Cape North, Nova Scotia with Cape Ray, Newfoundland, thence to Cape Ray, Newfoundland;

Division 4S

That portion of the Subarea lying between the south coast of Quebec from the terminus of the Labrador Quebec boundary to Pte. des Monts and a line described as follows: beginning at Pte. des Monts, thence due east to a point at 49°25′ north latitude, 64°40′ west longitude, thence along a rhumb line in an east-southeasterly direction to a point at 47°50′ north latitude, 60°00′ west longitude, thence due north to a point at 49°25′ north latitude, 60°00′ west longitude, thence along a rhumb line in a northeasterly direction to the terminus of the Labrador-Quebec boundary;

Division 4T

That portion of the Subarea lying between the coasts of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Quebec from Cape North to Pte. des Monts and a line de­scribed as follows: beginning at Pte. des Monts, thence due east to a point at 49°25′ north latitude, 64°40′ west longitude, thence along a rhumb line in a southeasterly direction to a point at 47°50′ north latitude, 60°00′ west longitude, thence along a rhumb line in a southerly direction to Cape North, Nova Scotia;

Division 4 V

That portion of the Subarea lying between the coast of Nova Scotia between Cape North and Fourchu and a line described as follows: beginning at Fourchu, thence along a rhumb line in an easterly direction to a point at 45°40′ north latitude, 60°00′ west longitude, thence due south along the meridian of 60°00′ west longitude to the parallel of 44°10′ north latitude, thence due east to the meridian of 59°00′ west longitude, thence due south to the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude, thence due east to a point where the boundary between Subareas

3 and 4 meets the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude, thence along the boundary between Subareas 3 and 4 and a line continuing in a northwesterly direction to a point at 47°50′ north latitude, 60°00′ west longitude, and thence along a rhumb line in a southerly direction to Cape North, Nova Scotia;

Division 4 V is divided into two Subdivisions:

4Vn – Northern Subdivision – That portion of Division 4 V lying north of the parallel of 45°40′ north latitude;

4Vs – Southern Subdivision – That portion of Division 4 V lying south of the parallel of 45°40′ north latitude,

Division 4W

That portion of the Subarea lying between the coast of Nova Scotia from Halifax to Fourchu and a line described as follows: beginning at Fourchu, thence along a rhumb line in an easterly direction to a point at 45°40′ north latitude, 60°00′ west longitude, thence due south along the meridian of 60°00′ west longitude to the parallel of 44°10′ north latitude, thence due east to the meridian of 59°00′ west longitude, thence due south to the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude, thence due west to the meridian of 63°20′ west longitude, thence due north to a point on that meridian at 44°20′ north latitude, thence along a rhumb line in a northwesterly direction to Halifax, Nova Scotia;

Division 4X

That portion of the Subarea lying between the western boundary of Subarea

4 and the coasts of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia from the terminus of the boundary between New Brunswick and Maine to Halifax, and a line described

as follows: beginning at Halifax, thence along a rhumb line in a southeasterly direction to a point at 44°20′ north latitude, 63°20′ west longitude, thence due south to the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude, and thence due west to the meridian of 65°40′ west longitude.

6(a) Subarea 5

That portion of the Convention Area lying to the west of the western boundary of Subarea 4, to the north of the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude, and to the east of the meridian of 71°40′ west longitude.

6(b) Subarea 5 is composed of two Divisions:

Division 5Y

That portion of the Subarea lying between the coasts of Maine, New Hamp­shire and Massachusetts from the border between Maine and New Brunswick to 70°00′ west longitude on Cape Cod (at approximately 42° north latitude) and a line described as follows: beginning at a point on Cape Cod at 70° west longitude (at approximately 42° north latitude), thence due north to 42°20′ north latitude, thence due east to 67°18’13.15″ west longitude at the bound­ary of Subareas 4 and 5, and thence along that boundary to the boundary of Canada and the United States;

Division 5Z

That portion of the Subarea lying to the south and east of Division 5Y.

Division 5Z is divided into two Subdivisions: an eastern Subdivision and a western Subdivision defined as follows:

5Ze – Eastern Subdivision – That portion of Division 5Z lying east of the meridian of 70°00′ west longitude;

5Zw – Western Subdivision – That portion of Division 5Z lying west of the meridian of 70°00′ west longitude.

7(a) Subarea 6

That part of the Convention Area bounded by a line beginning at a point on the coast of Rhode Island at 71°40′ west longitude, thence due south to 39°00′ north latitude, thence due east to 42°00′ west longitude, thence due south to 35°00′ north latitude, thence due west to the coast of North America, thence northwards along the coast of North America to the point on Rhode Island at 71°40′ west longitude.

7(b) Subarea 6 is composed of eight Divisions:

Division 6A

That portion of the Subarea lying to the north of the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude and to the west of Subarea 5;

Division 6B

That portion of the Subarea lying to the west of 70°00′ west longitude, to the south of the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude, and to the north and west of a line running westward along the parallel of 37°00′ north latitude to 76°00′ w
est longitude and thence due south to Cape Henry, Virginia;

Division 6C

That portion of the Subarea lying to the west of 70°00′ west longitude and to the south of Subdivision 6B;

Division 6D

That portion of the Subarea lying to the east of Divisions 6B and 6C and to the west of 65°00′ west longitude;

Division 6E

That portion of the Subarea lying to the east of Division 6D and to the west of 60°00′ west longitude;

Division 6F

That portion of the Subarea lying to the east of Division 6E and to the west of 55°00′ west longitude;

Division 6G

That portion of the Subarea lying to the east of Division 6F and to the west of 50°00′ west longitude;

Division 6H

That portion of the Subarea lying to the east of Division 6G and to the west of 42°00′ west longitude.

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